Field Instrumentation Program Vital to Deep Excavation Project
An extensive field instrumentation, monitoring and evaluation program was implemented for a seven-level deep excavation project in Boston. Using the observational approach, the information...

A Regional Approach to State Coastal Management
The Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management (MCZM) Program, which was federally approved thirteen years ago, has a long and impressive history of community, agency and legislative support....

A Four-Point Strategy for Improving Coastal Water Quality
Pollution from point- and non-point sources has altered the basic chemical and physical composition of near-shore waters. At the same time we are bombarding bays and estuaries with a steady...

Success of Dune Restoration After Removal of UXO
The discovery of unexploded ordnance (UXO) at South Beach, a popular recreational beach on Martha's Vineyard island in Massachusetts, necessitated that the area be declared...

Regional Coastal Planning and Regulation: The Cape Cod Experience
In Massachusetts, the entire land and water mass of Cape Cod is within the designated coastal zone. Thus, all federal actions affecting this area must be consistent with the state's...

Design Considerations for Control of Volatile Organic Compounds at Wastewater Treatment Facilities
New federal and state regulations require publicly owned treatment works (POTW's) to consider emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC's) as potentially significant...

Noise Control Program for the Boston Harbor Project
A noise control engineering program has been instituted for the Boston Harbor project to make the facility virtually inaudible at the property line. The program integrates the noise mitigation...

A New Graphic Technique for Reporting Soil Quality Analyses
Boston's Artery/Harbor Tunnel Project is currently the United States' largest highway construction project. One of its major issues is the disposal of an estimated...

Temporary Lateral Support System for Historic Building Facades in Boston
This paper describes a system of vertically cantilevered structural steel trusses, designed by the author, that provided temporary lateral support for a group of five and six story, 120...

Performance of a Prestressed Rigid Frame During Removal of Column 6W from I93 in Boston, Massachusetts
The first phase of the suppression of Boston's Central Artery included the Early Viaduct Construction in the Central Artery North Area. This project required that Column 6W...

Permanent Structure as Part of the Underpinning System for Boston's Central Artery
The Central Artery, a major six lane structural steel viaduct, has been one of Boston's most significant roadways over the past three decades. Increasing congestion, accidents,...

Wrapping up Environmental Issues in an Embankment
Contamination on a construction site can lead to increased risk of unanticipated construction delays and increased costs. In response, some owners are opting for proactive approaches to...

Central Artery (I-93)/Tunnel (I-90) Project
This paper is intended to provide an overview of the Boston Central Artery/Tunnel Project (CA/T) Project; a $4.9 billion USD interstate highway constructed underground through a densely...

Geotechnical and Construction Aspects of the Immersed Tube Tunnel in Boston Harbor
An immersed tube tunnel (ITT) approximately 3,850 feet in length will be constructed as a part of the Central Artery/Tunnel Interstate Highway Project located in Boston, Massachusetts....

Seismic Design Issues for Immersed Tube Tunnels
This paper provides an overview of the issues and the state of the art techniques in the seismic design of immersed tube tunnels (ITT). Particular focus is given to the ITT presently planned...

Immersed Tube Tunnel, Boston, Massachusetts
A four-lane Immersed Tube Tunnel is planned for the crossing of Boston Harbor from the City of Boston to the Logan Airport area in East Boston. The immersed tube consists of 12 sections...

Boston Central Artery/Tunnel Project?Fort Point Channel I-90 Tunnel Crossing
Part of the Central Artery and Third Harbor Tunnel Project involves the construction of a very unusual section of immersed tunnel. While the Third Harbor Tunnel which will cross Boston...

Measurement of Stream Reaeration Rate Coefficients Using Propane Gas
Three determinations of the reaeration rate coefficient, K2, were made on a 1185-m reach of the upper Assabet River in Westborough and Northborough,...

Characteristics of Low-Slope Streams that Affect O2 Transfer Rates
Multiple-regression techniques were used to derive the reaeration coefficients estimating equation for low sloped streams: K2 = 3.83 MBAS-0.41...

Special Bedrock Conditions in Greater Boston
The Cambridge Argillite, a weakly metamorphosed shale, forms the major portion of the Boston Basin, a structural as well as topographic depression. In the greater Boston area, the argillite...





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