Evaluation of Sewage Treatment Requirements in Cold Regions: Case Study?City of Whitehorse
This paper describes a method available for evaluating sewage treatment requirements in cold regions. The City of Whitehorse wastewater management situation has been used as an example...

Wastewater Plant Cold Weather Operational Problems
A questionnaire survey was conducted at biological wastewater treatment facilities in northern New England. Problems associated with various unit processes, due to cold weather operations,...

The Effect of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems on Disease Patterns on Manitoba Indian Reserves
This study examines the links between water supply and sanitation and health on Indian reserves in Manitoba. Health data on water related diseases were obtained from health care agencies....

Developing a Community Water System for Shishmaref, Alaska
This paper discusses a unique water supply system for the City of Shishmaref, a moderately sized Alaska Native community on Sarichef Island in the Chukchi Sea. A three million gallon reservoir...

Frazil Ice Problems in Intakes at Montreal
Intakes located in reaches of the St. Lawrence River that stay open all winter can be subjected to frazil ice formation for nearly three months. The City of Montreal intake is a key example...

Geotechnical investigation: Cominco's Red Dog Mine Facilities
The siting of major facilities associated with development of the Red Dog Mine Complex in Northwestern Alaska on relatively warm permafrost soil and rock presented geotechnical engineers...

Effluent Dispersion Measurements Under Sea Ice
Field measurements of the dispersion of effluent from the Seawater Treatment Plant (STP) at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, were made during April 1985. The primary objective was to determine whether...

The Transport of Crude Oil Under Saline Ice
A mathematical model was developed to describe the forces acting on an oil slick under saline ice in the presence of a water current. The model was verified through a set of laboratory...

Wave Forces on an Arctic Monotower Platform
At offshore lease sites located along the western coast of Alaska, longer periods of open water can be expected. As a result, wave induced hydrodynamic loading will become a more significant...

The Mexican Earthquake: A Firsthand Report
The Mexican earthquake of September 19, 1985 was most peculiar, because of the combination of its intensity, regularity, and duration. No other earthquake has had an intensity of IX, at...

Water and Wastewater, Time to Automate?
Water and wastewater engineers have been slow to adopt a full circle systems approach to automated monitoring and control. Such a technical tactic for controlling water and wastewater...

Large Mat Foundation Analysis on Expansive Soil
This paper describes a comparison of predicted and observed performance of mat foundations on stiff expansive soil. Foundation performance was predicted using a new computer program BOSEF...

Systems Model for Water Supply Following Earthquakes
The water supply for San Francisco is described with emphasis on the city's auxiliary water distribution network, which provides fire protection for the most heavily built-up...

Seismic Resistance of an Elevated Water Tank?A Case Study
Current knowledge of earthquake risk and structural response has raised concern about the safety of elevated water storage tanks which were constructed several decades ago. This paper...

Earthquake Risks to Utah Water and Gas Systems
Designed to guide local earthquake hazard reduction programs, this study estimates direct aggregate earthquake damage to Davis and Salt Lake County utilities. For making these loss estimates,...

The Effects of the 1985 Mexico City Earthquake on Underground Water & Sewer Pipelines
The 1985 Mexico City Earthquake left thousands dead and many thousands more without shelter. The visible damage was immense and terrible, and familiar to people around the world through...

Control of Thistle Lake, Utah
In April of 1983, the Thistle slide blocked the flow of the Spanish Fork River and traffic using the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad, U. S. Highway 89, and U. S. Highway 50 and...

Engineering Implications of Impoundment of the Indus River by an Earthquake-Induced Landslide
Historical records and physical evidence indicate that in the Himalayas of northern Pakistan a huge landslide dam was caused by an earthquake in 1840. The dam blocked the Indus River,...

Clean-up in the Rockies
The shallow aquifer flowing beneath the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, just outside of Denver, has become contaminated with a number of toxic substances. Until the arsenal can be cleaned-up,...

Dynamics of Fender and Rack Systems for Docking Ferries
A dynamic analysis of a ferry fender and rack system is developed based on the conservation of energy principle and Newton's laws of motion. The dynamics of the interaction...





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