California: Private Beaches Yield to Public Access
California, often a leader in championing public rights, has grappled with the issue of private ownership versus public usage of the seashore, and in recent years has developed interesting...

Judicial Solutions to Beach Access Problems in New Jersey
Legal doctrines notwithstanding, access to public trust beach is still, in many locations, inconvenient, expensive, or impossible. Private property signs containing threats of fines or...

How to Provide Shoreline Public Access
Methods of providing access facilities are covered which range from outright acquisition, obtaining public easements, and converting street ends to conditioning development permits. The...

The Washington State Public Access Program: Finding Solutions to the Shortcomings
This paper discusses the problems of providing adequate public access and focuses on many of the solutions which have been found and implemented in Washington State. In 1983, the Shorelands...

A Design rReview Board's Role in Developing Public Access
In the past 20 years, the Bay Commission, through its permit process, has required that new public access be provided along more than 100 linear miles of the shoreline of San Francisco...

Methods for Developong a Management Plan for a Small Tidal Inlet: Mecox Inlet, Long Island, New York
Few management studies have examined small ephemeral tidal inlets. The magnitude of short-term shoreline changes associated with some ephemeral inlets makes desirable the development of...

Civic Solution: Lake Forest Shoreline Restoration
Recognizing the need to protect its public shoreline against erosion and to restore the area for optimum public recreational use, the City of Lake Forest, Illinois, appointed a 23-member...

Assessment of Beach Nourishment Methodoliogies
Although artificial beach nourishment has become a common practice for mitigating beach erosion in the U. S. , it lacks clear rationales for achieving optimum benefits. Four recent large-volume...

Coastal Zone Management Practices, Northwest Brittany, France
Over the entire coast of Brittany, three government programs have sponsored over 81. 9 million francs (6 ff equals US1, approx. ) of coastal-related programs since 1968. Projects vary...

Controls on the Development and Operation of Shrimp Farms in Ecuador
Best sites for shrimp farm in Ecuador are located in the beach and bay zone. Another option is upland. Several procedures for obtaining a lease in the beach and bay zone or to buy vacant...

Marine Resource Management in the Java Sea
The pressures on the resources of the southern Java Sea along the north coast of Java are probably greater than anywhere else in the country, and some of the resources have certainly suffered...

Cogenerating Columbia River Salmon and Hydropower
In recent years a number of regional institutional arrangements have been consumated which have potential for reducing overfishing of Columbia River chinook stocks. In the Pacific Northwest...

Erosion Control Measures and Beach Restoration Plan at the Niigata West Coast
This paper first presents the process of erosion and the history of control measures at the Niigata west coast. The paper further discusses an epoch-making shore protection and beach restoration...

Coastal and Marine Resource Management Prospects in Somalia
The main coastal resource management issues in Somalia are centered in the terrestrial component of the coastal zone. There are no significant problems of marine pollution or the overexploitation...

The Chicago Lakefront Plan - 1986
Although Chicago is considered to have one of the world's most beautiful and also stable waterfronts, much of its shore protection is in imminent danger of failure. Nearly...

Combination of Cobble and Sill Controls Erosion
Two types of erosion controls that have had their own successes separately - cobble beach nourishment and a modular previous sill - were deployed in a successful combination to protect...

Coastal Zone Management Plan Development in Malaysia: Issues and Possible Sollutions
Over the last few decades Malaysia has undergone fairly rapid rates of economic growth, characterised by high level of resource exploitation, without due consideration given to the environmental...

Managing the Coastal Heritage of Australia
The concept of heritage spaces as a part of open-space systems has been evolving in Australia over the last 15 years. This paper overviews the main approaches that have been developed...

Utilization of Islands Off an Urban Waterfront: The Case of Singapore
The major oil refineries of Singapore are located on the Bukom and the Ayer Chawan groups of islands. Other southern islands have been exclusively developed for tourist and recreational...

Jean Lafitte's Real Legacy and Treasure
The Barataria Estuarine System is part of the Mississippi River which swept back and forth across Louisiana for thousands of years. Barataria Bay no longer receives the enrichment of the...





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