Spanning the Seas
A proposed structural scheme, called the V�tower system, could cross vast stretches of water with record length spans yet use only conventional materials. An example is a bridge proposed...

The NOS Experience in Real-Time Measurements of Tidal Currents
NOAA'S National Ocean Service (NOS) uses the term RADS, Remote Acoustic Doppler Sensing, for a new class of oceanographic instruments that uses acoustic backscatter to probe...

Satellites Monitor Eutrophication of Estuaries
In a study on eutrophication of estuaries, NOAA/AVHRR satellite data have been analyzed for the Changjiang River plume and the adjacent coastal areas. The different regimes identified...

Advanced Concept for Generation of Waves in Hydraulic Models
This paper describes a new wavemaker for the generation of naturally occurring waves in physical models of coastal areas. Recent research incorporating directional aspects of monochromatic,...

Measurements of Near-Survface Current in Inlets and Bays with Synthetic Aperture Radar
Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR, provides images of land and ocean surfaces irrespective of solar illumination, and practically under all weather conditions. Developed originally for land...

Coastal Zone '87
Coastal Zone '87 is the fifth in a series of multidisciplinary meetings on comprehensive coastal and ocean management. The papers included in this publication review technical...

The Briny Deep Comes Ashore
Amusement park attractions are not all fun and games. More than 10 years of planning by dozens of firms went into the Living Seas Pavilion at Walt Disney's Epcot Center. The...

On the Performance of a Wave Power Converter
This paper presents the KN-principle for wave - power conversion. The principle and components of the wave power converter are described and some practical relations are presented in order...

CAD Maps Ocean Floor
This article describes the Navy's use of computer aided design to map-out a 250 sq mi expansion of an anti-submarine warfare training facility in St. Croix, Virgin Islands. Three hundred...

Utilization of Ocean Waves?Wave to Energy Conversion
This collection of papers reviews both the state of the art in pneumatic wave energy conversion and the associated peripheral technologies, such as capture chamber research and design,...

Ocean Energy: Can It Compete?
Electric power plants using ocean energy are technically viable, but they tend to be cost-prohibitive. A study commissioned by the Electric Power Research Institute and carried out by...

Hydropower on a Wastewater Plant Outfall: Point Loma Hydro Project
The plant is on a bluff 90 feet above the Pacific Ocean where the primary treated effluent is discharged through a 2-mile-long (3. 2 kilometer) outfall pipeline. The head was previously...

The Pacific Northwest Hydropower Data Base Study
The Hydropower Data Base is presently a functional tool for evaluating hydropower in the Northwest. It is a complete system which has been implemented using a variety of crosschecks and...

Planning for Small-Scale Hydroelectric Development: A State Response
A 'surplus' of power in the Pacific Northwest region of the country has brought with it a declining interest in the generation of new electrical energy supplies....

Salmon Restoration: Blessing, Bane or Boondoggle?
The 'strategic' plans for the Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program were examined to determine what the strategy of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is for this...

Fire on the Water
Incineration is a promising hazardous waste disposal technique. However, nobody wants an incinerator constructed near him, so waste handlers are considering burning hazardous wastes at...

Disney Engineers Voyage to the Deep
The main show at the Living Seas Pavilion, part of Walt Disney Production's EPCOT Center, Lake Buena Vista, Fla., is a visit to a tropical coral reef deep under the ocean....

Design of Wharf Facilities, Guam, M.I., to Accommodate Difficult Site Conditions
A wharf facility currently under construction in Guam, Mariana Islands, for the U. S. Navy utilizes precast concrete box caisson construction to satisfy difficult site conditions. To reduce...

An OCEANWHEEL Breakwater
The compression wall and tension spoke structural system (OCEANWHEEL) transfers lateral loads from sea surface to seafloor efficiently. It promises a wide variety of uses beyond the described...

Sediment Penetration in Lakes as a Result of Dredged Material Disposal and River Sediment Loads
Pollutant transport within the coastal boundary layer is highly sensitive to the vertical current structure and to the magnitude of the vertical current, especially during upwelling and...





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