Submerged Flow in Parshall Flumes
Recent data collected in a 1-foot Parshall flume located in the Bureau of Reclamation's hydraulic laboratory indicate a significant discontinuity in the discharge/submergence...

Groundwater Transport in a Heterogeneous Aquifer: Tracking a Complex Plume
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is conducting a large-scale groundwater research project as a part of the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI) Solid Waste Environmental...

3-Dimensional Groundwater Modeling of the West Coast Basin Barrier
This paper describes a practical application of groundwater modeling of seawater intrusion in southern California. The West Coast Basin is one of the major groundwater reservoirs underlying...

Hydrodynamic Dispersion: Estimation and Prediction
The dispersion of dissolved, nonreactive tracers in groundwater is governed by diffusion and advection. A.E. Scheidegger introduced the term dispersivity to describe the effect that a...

Fractional-Step Method for Two-Dimensional Estuarine Transport
The fractional-step method was used in this study to split the longitudinal advective transport term from the other terms in the two-dimensional, laterally-averaged equation for estuarine...

An Error Analysis of the Dynamic Wave Model
The Dynamic Wave Operational Model (DWOPER) is used to forecast river stages on the Lower Columbia River. DWOPER was developed by the National Weather Service's Hydrologic...

Two-Dimensional River Modeling of Buckhorn Creek
A two-dimensional Finite Element Surface Water Modeling System (FESWMS-2DH) was used to simulate flow at a bridge crossing of a heavily vegetated flood plain where State Highway 130 crosses...

Density Currents and Their Application in Hydraulic Engineering: Task Committee Progress Report
The Task Committee on Density Currents and Their Applications in Hydraulic Engineering operates under the Technical Committee on Hydrologic Transport and Dispersion. The Task Committee...

A Phased Approach to Lunar-Based Agriculture
A manned lunar outpost will require agricultural facilities to provide for self-sufficiency. This paper examines a three phase approach which incorporates research on crop optimization....

Plasma Processing of Lunar Ilmenite to Produce Oxygen
In order to make a space industry economic, a reliable extraterrestrial source of oxygen must be identified for immediate use. Lunar ilmenite has recently been considered as a candidate...

Supercritical Water Oxidation: Space Applications
The process of Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO) is approaching terrestrial commercialization for the destruction of toxic and hazardous waste chemicals. The technology appears promising...

Development of a Two-Stage Membrane-Based Wash-Water Reclamation Subsystem
A two-stage membrane-based subsystem was designed and constructed to enable the recycle of wash waters generated in space. The first stage is a fouling-resistant tube-side-feed hollow-fiber...

Wastewater Recycle/Reuse: Lessons-Learned from USA-CERL Research and Development
Ultimate acceptance of water recycle/reuse by the scientific community is a function of rigorous data collection and successful demonstration regarding health effects. An uncomplicated,...

The Physics of Sediment Transport by Wind and Water
Sponsored by a special projects committee under the guidance of the Sedimentation Technical Committee of ASCE. This collection contains noteworthy,...

Critical Water Issues and Computer Applications
This book contains papers presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Water Resources Planning and Management Division of ASCE. The theme of the conference was Critical Water Issues...

Pipeline Infrastructure
These proceedings include papers which cover the topics of innovative pipeline design, condition monitoring, soil-pipe interaction, inspection, maintenance, and rehabilitation. These collective...

Air Power Boosts Utility Energy Supplies
Based in part on successful findings of tests, in which compressed air was stored in underground aquifers, Central Illinois Public Service engineers are investigating a type of pumped...

Water Supply Yields Power
During an overall renovation of the water supply system in Pittsfield, Mass. it was decided to bring water from three of the town's four reservoirs to a single treatment plant...

Environmental Health Programs of the USEPA
The major programs of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designed to reduce risk to public health are summarized with emphasis on their content, funding and effectiveness in...

Mitigation of Seismic Effects on Water Systems
Historically, earthquakes have caused damage to water systems. In this paper, water system facilities at risk due to seismic activity as well as potential damage mechanisms are identified....





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