Toe Scour Protection Methods
Toe scour protection is an important element in bank protection projects because undermining by scour at the toe is one of the major causes of failure of bank protection. Existing toe...
Plunge-Pool Scour by Inclined Jets
A series of experiments were performed in a sand-bed plunge pool with circular jets produced by nozzles at different angles and elevations and conveying different flow discharges. The...
Scour Hole Depth Downstream of the SAF stilling Basin
A Model to predict the maximum local scour depth downstream of the SAF stilling basin is presented. The model is based on stability analysis of a particle attacked by the hydrodynamic...
Relation of Unit Gravel Discharge to Mean Velocity
In sand-bed streams, the unit discharge of sand varies approximately with the fifth power of the mean velocity and inversely with the median diameter of the bed sediment. Similar relations...
Bed Material and Numerical Modeling in a Gravel/Cobble Bed Stream
The characteristics of bed material in a cobble or gravel river and their use for numerical simulation of flushing flow needs are discussed. There are three types of bed material: 1) material...
Flow and Sediment Transport at River Diversions
Flow pattern and sediment transport at diversions are studied. Submerged vanes are shown to be an effective measure for reducing sediment entrainment. Effectiveness of the vanes is evaluated...
Modeling Kinetics of Sediment Removal in Water Columns
Many physical, chemical, and environmental factors govern the rate of cohesive particle sedimentation in aquatic environments. A new information-based model that uses experimental information...
Numerical Modeling of Fluid Mud Transport in Estuaries
The movement of fluid mud has been cited as the most likely cause of rapid sedimentation in channels located in muddy estuaries. A time dependent, two-dimensional laterally-averaged cohesive...
Use of HEC-2 and HEC-6 to Determine Levee Heights and Revetment Toe Scour Depths
The paper presents the use of HEC-2 and HEC-6 to determine levee heights and revetment toe scour depths. These adjustments are due to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District...
Evaluation of Six Methods for the LP3 Distribution
Six frequently used estimation methods for the Log-Pearson type 3 distribution were evaluated using both the predictive and the descriptive performance indices. Ten LP3 populations and...
Discharge-Frequency Relationships in Distributary Flow Systems
The paper describes discharge-frequency relationships in distributary flow systems. The stream network that makes up the flow system is described in terms of how the various stream segments...
Comparison of Infiltration Equations Using Flooding Infiltrometer Data
Based on three flooding infiltrometer tests, 27 hydrographs produced by HEC-1 were used to compare peak discharge, time to peak, and storm runoff volume using three infiltration functions....
Historical Rainfall-Runoff Analysis Using the Antecedent Precipitation Index
A long term simulation of rainfall-runoff can be used when analyzing the potential for economic benefits or flood damages to result from changes in the watershed, for developing discharge-frequency...
Sheet Flow Resistance of Asphaltic Pavements
A statistical study has been conducted by the authors using 400 points of experimental data taken in the 1970's at Texas A&M for sheet flow runoff during artificial rainfall on...
Evaluating an Autoregressive Model for Stream Flow Forecasting
Daily stream discharge generated by an Autoregressive Model is helpful in the design and risk assessment of temporary riverine construction projects. This case study uses actual daily...
Problems of Stream Flood Simulation and Prediction
The article presents a report on the natural flooding in a stream and the problems encountered when simulating and predicting stream floods. The complexity of flood characteristics, the...
Sediment Transport Analysis Rio Grande Floodway at San Marcial Gauge
A detailed analysis of sediment transport data collected on Rio Grande Floodway at San Marcial gauge shows that the all-year total load rating curve and the seasonal rating curves yield...
Hocking River Sedimentation Study
The channel improvement project located on the Hocking River in Athens, Ohio is estimated to have prevented over 68 million dollars in flood damages since its completion in 1971. However,...
Management of Sediments on the Red River Waterway Project
The Red River is a large alluvial river system with the lower 280 miles currently being developed for shallow draft navigation. The navigation project entails construction of five locks...
Temporal and Spatial Variations of Suspended Sediment Concentration during Navigation Traffic in a Natural River
Suspended sediment samples were collected within the channel border area during barge-tow passage events at three cross-sectional locations on the Upper Mississippi River. Typical plots...
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