Nebraska's Special Protection Area Program
The designation of a Special Protection Area (SPA) under the program allows the state and local natural resources districts to move from the voluntary to the regulatory arena in addressing...

Simple Furrow Advance Ratio Evaluation Technique for Upgrading Management
A simple procedure using the Advance Ratio (AR) is presented. It utilizes on-farm gathered information of advance time, water application time, and depth applied for furrow irrigated field....

Needed Social, Cultural and Design Changes to Successfully Manage Nigerian Surface Irrigated Projects
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the broad nature of problems associated with the faulty initial designs of water distribution network and irrigation methods and poor participartion...

Surface Water-Groundwater Relations for Open Channels
For losing channels with clean wetted perimeters (no clogging layers), the seepage rate varies essentially linearly with depth to groundwater if the groundwater is relatively shallow,...

Methods of Evaluating Canal Transmission Losses
This paper discusses various methods presently used to evaluate transmission losses with particular emphasis on those methods used in the Bureau of Reclamation....

Determining Transit Losses for Water Deliveries by Use of Stream-Aquifer Models
Hydrologic modeling of stream-aquifer interaction commonly has been used to quantify transit losses associated with water deliveries, such as those from reservoir storage. This technique...

Conveyance Characteristics of Natural Channels in Wyoming
This paper addresses the quantification of instream or conveyance losses of water being transported within natural stream systems in Wyoming using a net total loss and incremental loss...

Groundwater, Technology, and Society
Water management is a multi-dimensional process. Its measures are technology, institutions and society's desires. For a management strategy to be implementable, it must accommodate...

Institutional Approaches to Ground Water Management
The nature of ground water has made the management of it difficult. Lack of understanding regarding the interrelationship of ground and surface waters has sometimes resulted in unworkable...

1987-88 Actions on El Paso vs. New Mexico
It has been determined by the City of El Paso that water wells near the Texas-New Mexico borders should be used to supplement their water supply in the years 2000-2020. Opposition to the...

The Economic Feasibility of Using Ethanol to Accelerate Groundwater Denitrification
A substantial buildup of nitrate in the groundwater of the eastern Sandhills region of Nebraska is projected by some planners. A groundwater carbon source such as ethanol promotes denitrification,...

Economic Analysis of Canal Animal Protection Measures
Justification of canal animal protection measures has been, to a degree, driven by environmental and social constraints and as a result, large expenditures of funds to protect ungulates...

Wetland Impacts of Center Pivots in Wheeler Co., NE
This paper describes an investigation of wetlands impacts from an intensive center-pivot irrigation operation in a 17,000 acre portion of Nebraska's Sandhills region. Well...

Water-A-Plenty, 1987 Upper Rio Grande Water Year
The paper discusses hydrographs of streamflow and storage of the Upper Rio Grande Basin facilities as well as reservoirs at or near maximum storage. A description of the joint 1987-88...

Modeling Pesticide Metabolite Transport with Gleams
The GLEAMS model (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems) was modified to simulate the generation and degradation of pesticide metabolites. Translocation of the...

Simulation of Contaminant Transport Using NMOL Technique
In this paper, a new numerical method, called Numerical Method of Lines (NMOL), is used to solve initial-boundary value problems for solute transport in soils. The simulation results are...

Characterizing Groundwater Protection Zones
A method is presented for using geoelectrical methods along with a supporting systems methodology to define aquifer and/or well head protection zones. The systems methodology utilizes...

Effects of Oil Spills on Water Retention in Sandy Soils
This paper concerns the relationships between water and oil saturations in sandy soils. Special attention is given to an environment similar to the groundwater table and the capillary...

Variability of Copper in the International Reach of the Similkameen River, British Columbia
All total copper concentrations measured in soft water during spring freshets were above the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines. Approximately 57% of all 108 observations over the three-year...

Cotton Response to High Frequency Irrigation
Three cotton production tests irrigated with the Low Energy Precision Application (LEPA) system were conducted from 1985 through 1987 on the Texas High Plains. Cotton treatments were irrigated...





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