Radioactive Waste: Finding a Safe Place
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1981 and its amendments mandate that the U.S. Department of Energy find a repository for the nation's high-level radioactive wastes, characterize...

Fear of Trying
Conventional methods for cleaning up hazardous-waste sites are expensive, subject to increasing restrictions, and don't work that well for certain types of waste. Innovative...

Ground Water: How Contaminated?
It is common knowledge that ground waters, like surface waters, are endangered by pollution from a variety of human activities. Commonsense approaches to the problem are overshadowed by...

Aquifer Restoration: Which Method?
Ground-water contamination is an increasing problem, especially in large urban areas. Toxics that seep into water supplies threaten the health of the community and it's difficult...

Building a Geographic Information System (GIS) for Siting New York City Sludge Management Facilities
Siting studies for waste facilities usually focus on a particular geographic region, or a defined study area, and are restricted to a specific technology. However, the siting of land-based...

A GIS for the Louisiana Coastal Zone
The U. S. Army Engineer District, New Orleans is responsible for collecting, interpreting, and publishing large amounts of data related to engineering geology, subsidence, and land loss...

Application of GIS to the Planning and Preliminary Design of the Vancouver Island Highway
Crippen Consultants and Reid, Collins and Associates(divisions of H.A. Simons Ltd) have completed the corridor selection and preliminary design of a section of the Inland Island Highway...

A PC-Based Geographically Referenced Pavement Management Information System
Infrastructure management is one of nine general types of applications of geographic information systems (GIS) technology. Our Federal, state and local road networks represent a massive...

GIS in Transportation Modeling: Merging MINUTP with GIS
Transportation system modeling involves a great deal of information on features which are geographically distributed over a study area. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are suited...

A G.I.S. for Cross Country Pipelines
Faced with an increased workload, greater information demands and a limited staff, the Civil Engineering Section of Columbia Gas Transmission is trying a different approach to the selection...

Transportation GIS Applications
The Ala-carte of important Transportation GIS topics we will be discussing are: US Department of Defense's (DOD) Global Positioning System (GPS) US Census Bureau's...

Current Developments of the U.S. Great Lakes Shoreline GIS
The Computer Mapping Center of the Detroit District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), in cooperation with the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), Land and Water...

Geographic Engineering Management System
The Memphis District Engineering Division is developing a GIS type data base as part of a Geographic Engineering Management System (GEMS) to assist both the District and the Lower Mississippi...

GIS Applications Floodplain Reconnaissance Studies
U.S. Army Engineer District, New Orleans (NOD) employed a Geographic Information System (GIS) to support a flood plain management Reconnaissance Study. The study region encompassed the...

Norfolk Uses a GIS to Satisfy its Stormwater Management Information Needs
The key component of stormwater management is to obtain a good understanding of the data describing the system so that regulatory, maintenance, and capital decisions concerning the system...

Applications of GIS to Wastewater System Master Planning in Albuquerque
The City of Albuquerque Public Works Department provides wastewater collection and treatment services to a metropolitan area of over 550,000 people. In order to plan for needed wastewater...

A GIS Approach to Urban Water System Planning
Procedures for projecting future water needs have ignored the spatial distribution of consumers. However, with a GIS approach to water demand forecasting and supply planning the spatial...

How Water and Sewer Agencies Can Leverage Their Investment in AM/FM/GIS
Water and sewer agencies are constantly seeking ways to operate more efficiently, provide higher levels of service, and manage the risks associated with maintaining their infrastructure...

Building GIS Relationships Spatially and Politically
This paper advocates that the technological aspect of building a spatial GIS is not the critical factor for a successful multi-participant installation. Rather the political relationships...

Integration of SCADA and GIS Technologies in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Due to its physiographic setting in the delta region of the Mississippi River, a majority of the inhabited lands in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana are below local mean sea level and much...





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