An Alternative Approach to Erosion Control and Mitigation
A case study is presented in which a sediment engineering investigation was conducted to determine the potential effects of a change in flow regulation on the channel downstream of a lake,...

The Structure of Intermittent Sand Suspension Events Under Mild Wave Conditions
Nearshore sedimentation processes are being actively investigated through a series of research projects at the University of Miami. Quantitative measurements of waves, currents, and suspended...

The Effects of Velocity on Scour
Four effects of 'velocity' on scour are discussed: clear-water scour, scour by light sediment-transporting flow, mode of movement, and kinetic terms included...

Field Measurement of Topography at a River Mouth
The authors have been measuring topography and cross section at the river mouth of the Nanakita River, in Japan. Changes of short-time scale, such as straightening of the river channel...

Hyperconcentrations, Mud and Debris Flows?A Summary
Brief descriptions of the properties of mud and debris flow and hyperconcentrated stream flow materials and their importance to the descriptions and modeling of these flows are presented....

Flow Modeling in the Toutle River, Washington
In support of flow, suspended load, bed load, and bedform transport measurements, a quasi-three-dimensional river flow model was adapted to a reach extending from 260m upstream to 30m...

Alluvial Stream Bank Erosion?A 10-Year Study
Results of investigations of bank erosion along alluvial streams between 1977 and 1989 are given. Natural processes were found to dominate, with piping an important but hitherto unrecognized...

Criteria for a Sediment Data Set
The transport of sediment through a hydrologic system or basin is an extremely complex phenomenon. Many factors affect this movement. Criteria are established for an 'ultimate' or complete...

Field Data Collection and Analysis of Hyperconcentrations and Mud Flows
Hyperconcentrated flows and mud flows exhibit properties quite dissimilar from Newtonian fluids. In order to further our understanding of such phenomena, field data have been collected...

Total Sediment Discharge Measurement
A procedure for measuring total sediment discharge using point-source suspended-sediment data was developed. The procedure, Total Sediment Discharge (TSD), was compared to field and modified...

Sediment Yield and Mean Annual Discharge from Watersheds in the Indian Subcontinent
Measurements of sediment deposition in reservoirs located in the Indian subcontinent (India, Nepal, Pakistan) indicate that the rate of sedimentation is much higher than predicted during...

Surface Roughness with Erosion of Earth Channels
A determination of the stresses effective in soil detachment is essential in determining erodibility. The soil roughness that exists during testing and in natural channels is a key element...

Local Scour at Bridge Abutments
Comparison of local scour depths at bridge abutments computed using different equations yields a large variation in predicted values. To consolidate the fragmented results of previous...

Investigation of Low-flow Phenomenon in Case of Droughts
By the use of streamflow and truncation levels, hydrologic droughts are defined. Flows of different truncation level are obtained from each selected subbasin. Flow ratio is calculated...

Sorting of Mixed Sand on a Two-Dimensional Beach
A numerical method is developed to predict temporal variations of the sea bed topography and the bed-material composition. The predicted results are compared with the measurements in a...

Determining River Stages with Consideration of Backwater Effects
In a recent hydraulic investigation on the Cache River basin, the stages of the Mississippi River at the Beechridge station were found to be necessary downstream boundary conditions for...

Bank Erosion: A Review of British Research
The paper summarizes recent contributions from British geomorphologists and hydrologists. This includes field measurements of processes, modeling of corrasion and mass failure, interactions...

Performance Characteristics of Compound Weirs
A theory is outlined which helps to explain the flow over compound weir under free overfall conditions. Experiments on twelve weirs of three sets with different dimensions are shown to...

Efficiency and Vibration Testing
To gather the necessary data to assure the most efficient and reliable operation of the system, Idaho Power Company implemented a plant testing program in 1988. The testing program consists...

Mitigation of Ice Effects at Hydroelectric Intake Structures
The design and operation of hydroelectric facilities throughout the northeast United States and Canada must contend with winter conditions for a large part of their yearly operation. During...





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