Floating Bridge for 100 Year Storm
In 1979 the west half of the Hood Canal Floating Bridge, built in 1960, in Seattle broke up and sank during a storm that lasted eight hours with winds of 80 mph and gusts over 100 mph....

The Tunnel That Transformed Philadelphia
The 1985 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement is the Center City Commuter Rail Connection, a 1.7 mile tunnel connecting two former stub-end railroad stations in Philadelphia. The...

A Space Age Test Center
The Air Force's Aeropropulsion System Test Facility (ASTF) is the most expensive project the Air Force has ever built. Its massive heaters, coolers and compressors will treat...

Tapping Deep Water Resources
Lena is the first commercial guyed tower. Its jacket is the longest ever fabricated, loaded out and launched in one piece. Lena stands in 1,000 ft deep water and has a three-level oil...

Record Bridge Replacement
Jacks Run Bridge had to be rebuilt in one year instead of the usual two to three. So the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation spearheaded the quickest replacement of a major bridge...

Who Should Design Bridges?
For many years Design-Build-Proposals have been common practice in Europe (except in the UK). Structures in these countries are 20% more economical than similar projects in the U. S.,...

Engineering Education: An Update
ASCE held an engineering education conference in April, 1985, entitled, Educators and Practitioners�Where Are We Going? Participants agreed that a greater interchange is beneficial between...

Construction-Induced Dynamic Pressure and Corresponding Impact Factors for Pipelines
The Bureau of Reclamation, U. S. Department of the Interior, conducted a study which measured pressure exerted by construction scrapers on a rigid, buried, instrumented concrete slab....

Metal and Plastic Pipelines: Design and Construction Aspects
This paper discusses design and construction aspects of four cross-country pipelines that were built in central Alberta, Canada during 1982-1983. The first two pipelines, carrying different...

Successful Use of Trench Box in Sewer Line Construction
Faced with the problems of ever increasing construction costs, more and more methods are being employed in an attempt to keep expenses to a minimum without sacrificing the quality of construction...

Sewer Construction Inspection and Testing
Sewer construction testing is the final portion of the team effort that started with the goal of meeting the requirement for a sewer system for the protection of health and environment....

Unique Installation Methods for Large Interceptor in Poor Soil Conditions
The construction of approximately 1. 5 miles of a major sewer interceptor in downtown Boston encountered some unique construction challenges. The entire route required dewatering during...

Experiences in Concrete Pipeline Construction in Ontario 158-1985
The paper discusses the title subject in terms of concrete pipe fabrication methods and plants, pipe jointing and jointing materials, and construction experiences in the Province of Ontario,...

Simplified Stress and Deformation Analysis for Pipeline Construction
This paper discusses the strength and deformation behavior of flexible steel pipes during pipeline construction. Some possible simple and quick solutions to these special design and construction...

Modeling Failure Probability of Underground Pipes
Factors influencing the performance of underground gas pipes are identified through a literature search and contacts with several utility companies. These factors are categorized as (i),...

Large Basin Runoff Forecasting on Small Computers
The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) developed a semiautomatic software package for making deterministic outlooks of basin moisture storage conditions, basin runoff,...

Microcomputers in Domestic Water System Evaluation
Water system hydraulic network analysis can be accomplished rapidly and accurately using microcomputer systems affordable by engineering firms and staffs of major water utilities. Simulations...

Microcomputers in Highway Drainage Design
This paper discusses some of the benefits and uses of microcomputers in highway drainage design and discusses the programs presently being developed. Subjects covered include hydrologic...

Computational Model for Computing Dune Erosion
This paper summarizes the development of a computer model for determining potential beach and dune erosion along the Florida Panhandle. The results have been used as a guide in delineating...

Real-Time Flood Forecasting on Small Computers
A real-time, rainfall-runoff, flood forecast model, developed by the Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), was applied to two of tributary basins in the Ohio River System....





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