Marine Borers Are Back
Cleaning up the nation's harbors has brought a resurgence in marine borer activity. These organisms, mainly the teredo and the limnoria, eat at timber piers, undermining critical...

Alluring Approach
A new bridge over the White River in Columbus, Ind., is a unique, architecturally appealing cable-stay, concrete-and-steel structure. The bridge satisfies municipal officials'...

Measuring and Modeling Time Dependent Soil Behavior
This proceedings presents a series of papers on both laboratory and field investigations, as well as constitutive modeling efforts, that all deal with the time dependence of soils and...

Earth Reinforcement and Soil Structures
Few subjects in recent years have raised the general interest and imagination of the Civil Engineering profession as the concept of reinforcing soil. The basic simplicity of the principles...

High Over Shanghai
In response to difficult design conditions, Shanghai's Jin Mao Tower's structural system harmoniously mixes building materials and strategically places them to...

Guidelines for Evaluating the Performance of Highway Sound Barriers
Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center, a CERF Service Center. This report presents the HITEC evaluation plan for U.S. Gypsum's...

Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
The Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction publishes articles about practical solutions to structural design problems and construction challenges of interest to practitioners. Articles...

Marketing Planning
Marketing planning has various stages of sophistication within aprofessional consulting firm. The degree to which planning is conducted andthe complexity typically relates directly to...

Rocky Mountain HOV
In 1988, Colorado DOT and the firm of Daniel, Mann, Johnson, & Mendenhall, Denver, the oversight consultant on the project, set out to bring the highway up-to-date and promote...

Hong Kong Flies into the Future
Hong Kong's new airport, Chek Lap Kok, is scheduled to open in 1997. That is the year in which China takes over the government of Hong Kong from Great Britain. The airport,...

Selecting Tower Cranes
Looming over the skyline like steel dinosaurs, tower cranes can look deceptively similar. But these beasts of burden are not a homogenous species, and selecting and positioning the right...

Partnering with the Enemy
When you think of EPA and a major corporation, you probably envision them squaring off in court over a Superfund site. But these days representatives from the two groups are just as likely...

Prelude to a Demolition
Building demolition conjures up images of explosives detonating or a wrecking ball haphazardly slamming into the side of a structure until it's reduced to a pile of rubble....

Out of Control?
Once heroes in a popular battle against villainous despoilers of Mother Earth, to a growing chorus of observers environmental groups, EPA and other regulatory agencies have begun to look...

Columbus Clear Wells
At an average of 8 million gal. each, six new clear wells at the Hap Cremean Water Plant in Columbus, Ohio represent the largest post-tensioned, reinforced concrete noncircular tanks ever...

Functional Highway Design
In the past, the common highway design development process used by government agencies has often failed to incorporate the lessons learned from operational experience and research. However,...

Northridge Postscript: Lesson on Steel Connections
Immediately after the Northridge earthquake in January 1994, the general concensus was that steel-framed buildings performed extremely well. Later, inspectors were surprised to find weld...

America and Beyond
This proceedings, Restructuring: America and Beyond, contains the papers presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Thirteenth...

Wood Working
Engineers may be more accustomed to working with concrete and steel, but for certain projects aesthetics, cost or other considerations may make wood the preferred choice. According to...

San Francisco CSO
Today, even a light rain can overload San Francisco's combined sewer overflow (CSO) system, sending untreated sewage and stormwater into the bay and ocean. This is especially...





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