DSS: A Dam Site Selector Expert System
The Dam Site Selector (DSS) expert system is an aid for rating an area for use as a dam site and reservoir. It was developed for use in a graduate level hydrology design course at Purdue...

Adsorption, Desorption and Transport of Pesticides in Groundwater: A Critical Review
Adsorption and desorption are major mechanisms affecting the transport and fate of pesticides in groundwater. Equilibrium, chemical nonequilibrium and physical nonequilibrium adsorption...

Sorption and Transport of Aldicarb Through the Vadose Zone
The literature was reviewed regarding the sorption and transport of a nonionic organic pesticide aldicarb, an extremely toxic and relatively water soluble carbamate insecticide that has...

Theory and Operation of French Energy Balance, Bowen Ratio and Micro-Meteorology Instrumentation
The Penman formula for potential evapotranspiration (ETp) and the Energy Balance Method for actual evapotranspiration (ETr) provide information on evapotranspiration rates. Examination...

Ultrasonic Flow Meter Testing
Six ultrasonic flow meters were tested in a hydraulics laboratory. Accuracies better than 2% were obtained with two transit-time meters on 14 inch diameter steel tubing. Poorer accuracies...

Geohydrologic Aspects of Water-Quality Problems of the San Joaquin Valley, California
Salinity and selenium concentrations in shallow ground water of the western San Joaquin Valley, California, are related to the geomorphology and hydrology of the alluvial fans. High salinity...

Near-Real Time Weather Information for Irrigation Management in Arizona
The Arizona Meteorological Network (AZMET) is a near-real time ag-weather information system for Arizona. A single personal computer running inexpensive bulletin board software controls...

Irrigation Scheduling Using Voice Synthesis, the Next Logical Step
An irrigation management program sponsored by the Raft River Electric Cooperative in Malta, Idaho, provided directly measured soil moisture data to selected irrigators each week during...

Platte River Irrigation Development: Hydrologic Myths
Several proposed municipal and irrigation developments in Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska could impact flows along the Platte River in central Nebraska. Opposition to these projects is...

The North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Program
For over a third of a century regions of North Dakota have conducted cloud seeding operations aimed at hail damage mitigation or rainfall enhancement. Cloud modification has become an...

The Social Sciences and Water Resources Management
With support from the National Science Foundation, a committee of 15 persons met in Washington, D.C. in 1985 to begin the process of assessing the past and future role of the social and...

Social Science, Engineering and Water Resources Management: A Perspective
This paper shares a framework or context for professional activities of social scientists in water resources management. It emphasizes the positive opportunities for helping and not simply...

Obstacles to the Use of Social Science Analysis in Water Decision-Making, or Where's the Demand for Social Science Input?
The paper identifies characteristics of both the public decisionmaking process and the methods of social science research that result in social science inputs having little influence on...

Ideology: A Worried Analysis
The paper makes the point that social, cultural and psychological variables, that is, variables of the behavioral sciences, are meaningful to the field of natural resource management....

How Far along the Learning Curve is the Contingent Valuation Method?
The paper discusses an application of the learning curve concept to new benefit methodologies and applies the model to the contingent valuation (CV) methodology. As knowledge accumulates...

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Water Resources Management
In recent years a variety of techniques have been advocated to resolve natural resource conflicts. These approaches have collectively been termed 'Alternative Dispute Resolution'...

Economics, Economists, and Water Policy Advising
Subjects covered include the effectiveness of economic analysis, the economist as technician and as policy entrepreneur, and others. Economic concepts and studies can be used as a means...

Marginal Cost Pricing: Is Water Different?
The objectives of public utility pricing are generally acknowledged to include a desire for efficient allocation of community resources, equity in allocating cost shares, stable revenues...

Assessment of the Role of the Social Sciences in Water Planning and Management: Legal Systems and their Impediments to Change
Water resource planners and managers may not be able to do what they believe essential, or at least useful, to sound water management because the action would violate the federal constitution...

The Application of Social Science Analyses to the Problem of Urban Drought
Past drought experiences have shown that extra storage capacity does not necessarily ensure against economic losses related to droughts. Since managers of water systems do not know the...





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