Columbia River System Operations ? Water Quality Assessment
In mid-1990, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration embarked on a Columbia River system operation review. Ten technical work...

Snake River Salmon Recovery Plan Development
The process used by the Snake River Salmon Recovery Team to develop its recovery plan is described. Major conditions affecting fish survival are identified. The Team's approach to evaluate...

Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Strategy for Salmon
Three species of Snake River salmon have been listed as threatened or endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. In response, the Northwest Power Planning Council worked with...

Snake Reservoir Drawdown ? A Brief Progress Report
The Northwest Power Planning Council has directed the region to employ the use of 'Drawdown' as tool to help threatened and endangered salmon stocks in Snake and Columbia rivers unless...

Role of Economics in Endangered Species Act Activities Related to Snake River Salmon
The development of recovery actions for the species of Snake River Salmon listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) must consider a wide range of actions covering the different life-cycles...

Impacts of Hydropower Operation on Water Supply from Lower Colorado River in Texas
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) of Texas is both a water and energy supplier to a large area of Central Texas. LCRA generates approximately 10 percent of its power from hydroelectric...

The Development and Use of Policy Statements in River Simulation Models
There are a number of ways in which the physical operation of a river system can be expressed in simulation models. Most of the earlier simulation models have incorporated the operating...

The Law of the River: Policy Expression
The need to accurately represent the law of the Colorado river has heretofore precluded the use of any general purpose river basin simulation model. In order to overcome the inflexibility...

Object-oriented River System Simulation
This paper describes an object-oriented approach to river basin simulation modeling that is event driven rather than time driven as in most river system simulation models. At the heart...

RSS: A Construction Kit for Visual Programming of River Basin Models
With the ever increasing pressure on environmental resources, there exists strong interest in river basin models which can be used to simulate proposed policy alternatives. Traditionally,...

Seasonal Water Quality Management Given Sparse Data
An approach for designing robust seasonal water quality management programs for river basins with sparse or short flow records is presented. This approach uses Markov chain modelling and...

Water Marketing in Washington?The Next Step?
The state of Washington has been blessed with an abundance of water resources for its use, including the Columbia and Snake rivers, but with the listing of the Snake River Sockeye Salmon...

Real-Time Water-Control System for the Trinity River, Texas
To provide information for improved flood prevention and control in the Trinity river basin in Texas, we developed a real-time water-control system that (1) retrieves rainfall and streamflow...

Impacts of El Ni?o in Western Washington
The climatic phenomenon called El Nino is described, and its impact on hydrologic conditions in western Washington is shown for two recent events. Impacts on water management during the...

The Potomac Experience?A Forerunner of DPS
Thirty years ago, dramatic events were about to begin in Potomac River basin with the publication of a report of study recommending 16 major reservoirs and hundreds of small ones to solve...

The James River Case Study
The James River was selected as a case study for the National Drought Study because it provided an example of an Eastern (riparian) river basin with relatively little storage, increasingly...

Demonstrating Competition for a Limited Resource in the Cedar/Green Basins
An object oriented model building tool is used to develop two river basin simulation models. The models will be used to help manage the water resource during dry years in the Cedar and...

Bringing People, Policies, and Computers to the Water (Bargaining) Table
Droughts have been defined terms of hydrometeorological terms; however, a Water Control Manager realizes that droughts are also a function of demands. During the drought of 1988, water...

Analysis of Operating Criteria: Multiple Lakes at Voyageurs National Park
An overview of lake and river regulation at Voyageurs National Park, which resides on the Minnesota-Ontario border, is given to demonstrate how water policy agreements can work. In 1905...

Monthly Water Balance for Blue Nile River Basin in Ethiopia
The objective of this study was to present existing stream flow data for the Blue Nile River and tributaries within the Blue Nile River basin in Ethiopia and to use that data to provide...





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