Thresholds in Appropriate Technologies for Water Supply and Waste Disposal
Appropriate technologies come from a variety of sources. Most, though not all, technologies are appropriate to the specific time and place in which they are developed. Some can be transferred...

Intermediate Service Levels in Water Distribution
This paper is concerned with design standards for secondary water distribution networks. Based on field studies in the Middle East and Africa, mathematical equations were developed for...

Preventing the Underground Movement of Methane from Sanitary Landfills
Alternatives for controlling methane gas migration from sanitary landfills are evaluated. The conditions leading to explosions and fires from concentrations of methane are discussed. Advantages...

Big Thompson Flood Exposes Need for Better Flood Reaction System to Save Lives
The actions people took in response to warnings of disaster in the Big Thompson flood of 1976 affected their chances for survival. No one who climbed the side of the canyon was killed...

Second Hampton Bridge-Tunnel Complete
The second Hampton Roads bridge-tunnel, which cost $96,000,000, opened to traffic on June 3, 1976. It is a two-lane facility carrying traffic across 3.5 miles of water between Hampton...

Mechanization Speeds Limestone Production
The Dravo Lime Company's limestone mine and processing facility was nominated for an Outstanding Civil Engineering Award because it is a well-planned and executed construction...

Citizen Participation for Successful Village Water Supply
In developing nations, two keys to the success of village water supply projects are citizen planning and the use of the appropriate technology. The two are related. Involvement of citizens...

Subway Designs and Construction Methods That Cut Costs
The high cost of subway construction in the United States can be reduced by adopting station and track structure configurations, structural systems, and construction techniques best suited...

Subway Structures Good, Other Elements Need Rehab
Capital spending priorities of New York City's Transit Authority have shifted, as it postponed indefinitely the construction of all but one new line�the line from 63rd St....

How New York City Can Be Restored to Economic Health
To be restored to economic and fiscal health, New York City will have to make some fundamental reforms. The overall strategy is to obtain slack resources, then to invest these resources...

Proceedings Volume I
Polyphase Flow Transients Pressure Recovery Devices Intake Structures Cooling Water Systems
The papers presented in these proceedings represent a variety of disciplines from many countries. This unique jointing of three major societies has created a collection of papers with...

Management of Engineering of Control Systems for Water Pipelines
This report should be considered as an aide to the practicing engineer as a check list of items to be considered in the management of the engineering of control systems for water pipelines...

Making Maps by Computer
For making maps, digitizer-computer-plotter systems are increasingly popular. Here are case histories of three applications�by Brooklyn (New York City) Union Gas. Co. for keeping track...

Precast Veneer Replaced By All-Precast Structure
Utilizing engineering solutions to architectural problems greatly enhanced the architectural appearance of this building. Long-span prestressed, light weight concrete beams, post-tensioned...

King Post Truss System Cuts Roof Framing Cost by 30%
The design was based on requirements for minimally obstructed sight lines (Robin Hood Dell Open-Air Theater, Philadelphia, Pa.) for outdoor seating and a tight construction budget of $4,500,000....

Tocks Island Project�� Resolving a Classic in Dam Controversies
The study provided the information and perspectives required to decide whether the Tocks Island Lake project should proceed or be deauthorized. Major elements analyzed included eutrophication,...

Computer Slashes Time and Cost of Structural Design
An existing computer program for designing floor framing was modified to simplify usage. A preprocessor program was written to reduce the amount and complexity of the input data. A description...

California's Food Industry: Wastewater Management Challenge
The demand for food products throughout the United States and the world has been partially responsible for the continuous growth of agriculture and food processing in California. This...

State-of-the-Art Report Composite or Mixed Steel-Concrete Construction for Buildings
This report examines the interacting behavior of concrete with structural steel in building construction. Topics covered include composite columns, composite beams, trusses, and slabs,...

Water Management for Irrigation and Drainage
Proceedings of the ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Division Specialty Conference on Water Management for Irrigation and Damage, held in Reno, Nevada, July 20-22, 1977. Sponsored by the Irrigation...





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