Design Objective
This chapter comments on the objective of design for structures of different purposes that are subject to attack....

Structural Countermeasures
This chapter discusses structural elements that can be used to prevent, delay, or mitigate the extent of an attack....

Wireless System
The technology of using radio frequencies to communicate is not new. Ham radio and walkie talkies were the first form of radio communication used by the public; then the Citizen Band (CB)...

This section presents theoretical and practical concepts for the analysis of guyed transmission structures. The concepts are further illustrated in the examples of Section 8. The term...

This chapter discusses guyed structure design. Topics include loadings and design restrictions; guy clearances; guy design; guy anchorage; connections; structural design of poles and H-frames;...

Turnback Project Moves Ahead
The $202 million Muni Metro Turnback (MMT) Project, scheduled for completion in September 1996, includes an 840 ft section consisting of twin steel-lined tunnels that connects to the Embarcadero...

Project Object
Modeling and managing water systems is a notoriously difficult task, one made simpler by PRSYM, a new object-oriented software package created by a consortium of public utilities, government...

Structural Aerodynamics (Available only in Focus on Structures Special Edition)
One of the most strikingly ambitious public buildings in France, county governmental headquarters in Marseille, achieves the status of world-class architecture largely through its structural...

Re-engineering Cowboy Heaven (Available only in Focus on Structures Special Edition)
On a wooded hill overlooking the north end of Oklahoma City sits one of the foremost repositories of this country's Western heritage, the National Cowboy Hall of Fame. Contained...

A Gatehouse for Johnson
Philip Johnson's latest addition to his eclectic collection of architectural designs on his Connecticut property is a radical departure from his famed Glass House. Builders...

Translucent Structural Beacon
In East Los Angeles some 2,000 children, teens and adults are accessing their future inside a building that is as high-tech as the computers they are using to learn. The 40,000 sq ft building...

Preserving Williamsburg's Cables
The main-cable preservation project of New York's Williamsburg Bridge has to protect the cable system for at least 100 years. After extensive field tests, engineers devised...

Seismic Solutions for Steel Frame Buildings
After the Northridge Earthquake, damage in steel moment resisting frame connections stunned engineers. Now those engineers are scrambling to find and test new kinds of connections. This...

Spotlight on Steel Moment Frames
Engineers' confidence in moment connections was shattered when damage was discovered after the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Such connections are now a hot subject for U.S....

Financing the Future of Storm Water
For Sarasota County, Fla., draining storm water no longer means draining municipal funds. By establishing a modern storm-water utility, the county has provided a dedicated funding source...

Boston's Third Harbor Tunnel (Available only in Focus on Geo/Environmental Special Issue)
Boston's immersed marine tube, the Third Harbor Tunnel, connecting South Boston and Logan Airport, is a $226 million component of the multi-billion dollar Central Artery/Third...

Returning Veteran
The Veteran's Memorial Bridge on the Cuyahoga River is a vital link in the transportation system of Cleveland and a gateway to the city's downtown area. But time...

Siting Low Profile Grade Control Structures for the Muddy Creek Demonstration Stream Restoration Research Project
In the Fall of 1993 Reclamation began a demonstration stream restoration research project on Muddy Creek, near Great Falls, Montana. Muddy Creek captures return irrigation flow from a...

Features of a Chevron Weir Rock Ramp
This paper presents the features of a new type of low profile grade control structure, the chevron weir rock ramp. As the name infers, the planform of the structure is in the shape of...

Water Control Structure Choice for Wetland Restoration/Creation
Ducks Unlimited is a non-profit conservation organization, whose mission is to fulfil the annual life cycle needs of North American waterfowl by protecting, enhancing, restoring, and managing,...





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