Diffusion Barrier Transport Properties of Unsaturated Paintbrush Tuff Rubble Backfill
Diffusion coefficients (D) were experimentally determined in unsaturated tuff gravel to evaluated the effectiveness of tuff gravel and rubble as a diffusion barrier to ionic transport...
Container Material Selection, Modeling and Testing
Virtually all of the approximately 40,000 high-level nuclear wast containers to be emplaced at Yucca Mountain must remain intact for 1,000 years to satisfy Nuclear Regulatory Commission...
The Continuing Evolution of a Radioactive Material Transport System
The paper considers the evolution of BNFL's transportation system and those lessons learned and incorporated or being incorporated in the system as it continues to evolve....
Social Realities in High-Level Radioactive Waste Management and Their Policy Implication
The management of high-level radioactive waste involves a number of enduring social realities that have posed major obstables to timely progress. These realities include: the deep-seated...
Implementation of NUREG 1318 Guidance Within the Yucca Mountain Project
The U. S. Department of Energy's Yucca Mountain Project is implementing a quality assurance program that fulfills the requirements of the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission...
Transportation Legend, Fact and Hysteria or, How to Dismantle a Mature Industry
In the rush to 'correct' the perceived deficiencies in the regulations covering the transportation of radioactive materials, many people, from legislators to...
Development of the Engineered Barriers for the Deep Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste
Vitrified waste, overpack and buffer material are under research and development as engineered barriers in the deep geological disposal system of high-level radioactive waste. Static leach...
Risk Perspective on Potential Releases of ?4C From the Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain
The objective of this paper is to provide a perspective on the individual and population risks from potential releases of 14C from a geologic repository...
Two Citizen Task Forces and the Challenge of the Evolving Nuclear Waste Siting Process
Siting any nuclear waste facility is problematic in today's climate of distrust toward nuclear agencies and fear of nuclear waste. This study compares and contrasts the siting...
Public Attitudes Toward a High-Level Nuclear Repository: Implications on the Prospects of Successful Siting
Recent legislation enacted by the State of Nevada makes it illegal to store high-level nuclear waste (HLNW) within state, posing a serious threat to the federal government's...
Social Impact Assessment of Siting the High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository in Nevada: The Use of Risk Future Scenarios in Survey Research
The proposed siting of a high-level nuclear waste repository in the State of Nevada has raised difficult problems with respect to assessing future social impacts. The projection of impacts...
Hedonic Price Theory: Concept and Applications
Direct and indirect techniques are being used to estimate economic consequences of proximity to existing or proposed public facilities. The hedonic price theory, an indirect technique,...
Analysis of RADTRAN Transportation Model
The RADTRAN computer model, used to estimate the risks of transporting waste to a high-level repository, is critically reviewed. Ignoring high consequence accidents, human error, sabotage,...
Requirements for Controlling a Repository's Releases of Carbon-14 Dioxide; The High Costs and Negligible Benefits
A repository excavated within the unsaturated zone may release carbon(C)-14 dioxide in amounts that exceed limits imposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Nuclear Regulatory...
Prediction of Long-Term Behavior of Waste Package Materials in a Geologic Repository
An ASTM Standard Practice is under development as a national consensus standard on how to make and validate predictions of the long-term behavior of waste package materials in a deep geologic...
Implications of the New Radiation Exposure Limits on Space Station Freedom Crews
Spaceflight unavoidably increases the exposure of astronauts to natural ionizing radiation. Any increase in radiation exposure increases the risk of contracting cancer or inducing genetic...
Artificial Gravity: Human Factors Design Requirements
A major challenge of manned spaceflight is to assure the health, well-being and performance of the space inhabitants. As man ventures beyond Earth's orbit to settle the Moon,...
Benefits of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators
Since the 1960's the United States has had the capability to reach beyond the planet Earth with the aid of satellites and interplanetary space probes. As probes such as the...
Risk Management for Groundwater Contamination: Fuzzy Set Approach
A methodology is developed for health risk management under uncertainty, using fuzzy sets. Groundwater nitrate contamination illustrates the methodology. A risk management framework is...
Study of Direct Potable Reuse of Reclaimed Wastewater: Preliminary Results of a Five Year Study
The City of San Diego, California has received Clean Water Grant funding to build and operate a 0.5 million gallon per day facility to demonstrate a wastewater treatment system, utilizing...
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