Upgrading Water Filtration Plants
Adding or improving mixing, flocculation, and sedimentation devices, and changing filter media can significantly increase water filtration plant capacity. Water quality can often be improved...
Pure and Wholesome
Four papers published between 1899 and 1907 describe problems in sanitary engineering encountered during a time of rapid urbanization. In these papers and associated discussions, leading...
Direct Filtration�� Past, Present, Future
The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 for the first time established national drinking water standards on turbidity and other drinking water characteristics. Up until that time, the accepted...
A Look at Newer Methods for Dewatering Wastewater Sludges
The U.S. water cleanup effort is resulting in the production of huge quantities of additional sludge. Because of the difficulty of disposing of this sludge, it is usually dewatered. Although...
Civil Engineering Classics
Outstanding Papers of Thomas R. Camp
In this volume of
Water Treatment and Plant Design
This manual,
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