Radionuclide Migration to the Aquifer Through the Porous Medium
Time dependent doses of radionuclides from a waste container to the aquifer through porous medium are analyzed for (1) congruently released transuranic elements such as Np-237 and (2)...

Groundwater Impacts of Foreseeable Human Activities on a HLW Repository
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has begun a program of Systematic Regulatory Analysis (SRA) to help ensure that all important technical issues related to the disposal of...

Investigation of Fracture-Matrix Interaction: Preliminary Experiments in a Simple System
Paramount to the modeling of unsaturated flow and transport through fractured porous media is a clear understanding of the processes controlling fracture-matrix interaction. As a first...

Testing Models of Flow and Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media
The design of an intermediate-scale flow and transport experiment in an unsaturated porous media is described. This experiment will be conducted a 3-m-diameter by 6-m-long caisson filled...

Modelling Gas Migration Experiments in Repository
In response to concerns over the possibility of hydrogen gas generation within an underground repository for high-level radioactive waste, and its implications for repository safety, a...

Carbon Isotopic Data from Test Hole USW UZ-1, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Rock-CO2-gas analyses in test hole USW UZ-1 at Yucca Mountain indicate that gas movement in the unsaturated zone is likely through a dry-fracture...

Groundwater Transport Characteristics of Fracture Zones in a Granite Batholith
Major low-dipping fracture zones are the dominant pathways for the large scale circulation of groundwater through the Lac du Bonnet granite batholith of southeast Manitoba, Canada. The...

Role of Fracture Zones in Controlling Hydraulic Head and Groundwater Flow?Experience from Site Characterization Program in Finland
The preliminary site investigations for the final disposal of HLW produced by TVO have been carried out during 1987 - 1992 in five areas. All the areas consist of Precambrian crystalline...

Simulation of Fracture Flow to the Kamaishi Validation Drift
The Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC) has developed an in-situ test facility in the Kamaishi Mine to resolve technical issues in disposal of radioactive wastes...

Discrete Feature Modelling at the Stripa Mine in Sweden: Significance for Hydrologic Modelling of Fractured Rock Masses
The third and final phase of the Stripa Project included a series of characterization efforts, predictions, and validations to determine the viability of discrete-fracture groundwater...

Modeling of Strongly Heat-Driven Flow Processes at a Potential High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Two complementary numerical models for analyzing high-level nuclear waste emplacement at Yucca Mountain have been developed. A vertical cross-sectional (X-Z) model permits a realistic...

Modeling of the Ventilation for Emplacement Drift Re-Entry and Rock Drying
Different ventilation scenarios were analyzed for a hot repository with a 114 kw/Acre heat load, to determine the time required to cool a drift to the point where the temperature of the...

Modelling Colloidal Transport of Radionuclides Through Porous Media
General acknowledgement of the potential role of colloids in enhancing radionuclide transport has prompted the preliminary development of a mechanistic colloid transport model as part...

The Role of Fault Zone in Affecting Multiphase Flow at Yucca Mountain
Within Yucca Mountain, the potential High Level Nuclear-Waste Repository site, there are large scale fault zones, most notably the Ghost Dance Fault. The effect of such high-permeability,...

Studies of the Role of Fault Zones on Fluid Flow Using the Site-Scale Numerical Model of Yucca Mountain
The three-dimensional grid of the site-scale model developed for the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain was used to perform two-dimensional simulations with the TOUGH2 computer program....

Discontinuities, Rock Deformation and Fluid Flow Around Emplacement Rooms
One of the major concerns for the design of the potential nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain is how to identify the fast flow paths and how to minimize the flow of the fast paths....

Sensitivity and Probabilistic Analyses of Ground Water Travel Time in a Fractured and Variably-Saturated Geologic Medium
This paper presents a method for sensitivity and probabilistic analyses of performance of a hypothetical nuclear waste repository located in a layered, fractured, and variably-saturated...

Review and Selection of Unsaturated Flow Models
The Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Management and Operating Contractor (CRWMS M&O) is conducting a thorough review and evaluation of existing flow and transport models....

Full-Field Dye Concentration Measurement Within Saturated/Unsaturated Thin Slabs of Porous Media
This paper presents a full-field dye concentration measurement technique that extends our experimental capabilities to the measurement of transient dye concentration fields within steady...

Determination of Water Content in Unsaturated Flow Experiments Using TDR and Capacitance
Electromagnetic techniques have been used for many years for the determination of moisture content in materials. We are adapting two of these techniques to the estimation of moisture in...





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