Radionuclide Migration to the Aquifer Through the Porous Medium
by Y. Hwang, Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst, Daejeon, Republic of Korea,M. C. Lee, Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst, Daejeon, Republic of Korea,
C. Cho, Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst, Daejeon, Republic of Korea,
H. S. Shin, Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst, Daejeon, Republic of Korea,
J. Kim, Korea Atomic Energy Research Inst, Daejeon, Republic of Korea,
Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1993
Time dependent doses of radionuclides from a waste container to the aquifer through porous medium are analyzed for (1) congruently released transuranic elements such as Np-237 and (2) highly soluble radionuclides such as Cs-135. Activities in the well water of the aquifer are estimated and compared with maximum permissible concentrations in the water. Assuming that each humanbeing drinks 600 liters of water per year, individual doses of radionuclides in the well water are estimated. These results show that there is no significant effect of the transmutation of transuranic elements. But to transmute the long-lived highly soluble fission products is proven to be effective to assure the safety of a future repository.
Subject Headings: Radioactive materials | Porous media | Groundwater pollution | Groundwater flow | Fluid flow | Wells (water) | Time dependence
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