Some Proposals for Reducing Structural Failures
Illinois is one of the few states requiring a Structural Engineer's License: a P.E. alone is not enough to practice structural engineering there. Unfortunately, even in Illinois,...

Urban Creekside Design Features Parallel Streets
Waterflow in cities�natural streams and rivers surrounded by wildlife, or concrete channels�must be controlled to prevent devastating flooding. Proper landuse restraints and creative designs...

Steel Structures Provide Flexibility
The steel structures of several major buildings are evaluated by the structural engineers responsible for the design and construction. Included are the Park Avenue Atrium in New York;...

Knoxville's Junction Functions
The urban highway system in Knoxville was originally built as a local expressway in the early 1950's. It was designed to significantly lower standards than Interstate and...

Gravity Sanitary Sewer Design and Construction
This Manual provides both theoretical and pracctical guidelines for the design and construction of gravity sanitary sewers. The initial chapter introduces the organization and administrative...

How Did These Firms Grow in Face of a Depressed Economy?
Despite a decline in construction physical volume of about 25% in the past five years, some engineering firms have grown. Profiles of three such firms are presented. Management decisions...

Unified Soil Classification System
The most common soil classification method used by foundation engineers in the United States is A Standard Method for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes, ASTM D-2487, usually...

Stormwater Detention Facilities
Planning, Design, Operation, and Maintenance
The objective of this conference was to explore issues, define available technology, identify problems, and identify research needs with regard to the planning, design, operation, and...

Computing in Civil Engineering
Ninety-five of the papers submitted for presentation at the first International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (1981) are presented. The papers are organized into 22 areas:...

Social and Economic Impact of Earthquakes in Utility Lifelines
Seismic Considerations in Lifelines Planning, Siting and Design
Lifeline earthquake engineering is explored as an attempt to mitigate seismic hazards to public utilities and transportation systems. Utilities and transportation are 50% of the property...

The Structural Fuse: An Inelastic Approach to Earthquake-Resistant Design of Buildings
An alternative to the empirical approach to earthquake-resistant design of buildings is proposed and illustrated with a design example. Instead of strengthening every member to resist...

Design and Construction of World's Tallest Free-standing Fiberglass Stack
The design, fabrication and erection procedures are discussed for a 170-ft free-standing fiberglass reinforced plastic exhaust stack-scrubber system. Advantages and disadvantages in the...

General Principles for the Stability Design of Metal Structures
The Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) Technical Memorandum No. 5 is explored; this memorandum includes the general principles that form the bases of various SSRC recommended...

Oregon Bridge Features Innovative Bell Piers, Floating Falsework
The I-205 bridge, scheduled for completion in 1983, will be a final link in a 40-mile highway east of Portland, Oregon. the substructure and superstructure design featured unusual technology....

Stadium Completed Night Before Game
Construction problems with a major addition to the Clemson Memorial Stadium in Clemson, S.C., halted construction for four months. In order to make up the time, the design firm had to...

Highway Applications of Geotextiles
The successful use of geotextiles on poor soils and water in highway subgrades and sideslopes is examined in this two-part article, In Lakeshore Resort Cuts Cost of Road Relocation with...

Rehab or Replace? Foundation Testing Provides the Answer
A $15 million, multidisciplinary testing program was undertaken to determine the least expensive methods of rehabilitating Locks and Dam No. 26 on the Mississippi River. The Problems were...

A Probability-Based Load Criterion for Structural Design
Load factors and load combinations are explored which are compatible with the loads in the proposed 1981 revision of American National Standard A58 (Minimum Design Loads for Buildings...

Structural Plastics for the 80s
Engineers in non-civil fields have been using more and more light-weight, high-strength structural plastics and plastic composites every year, but civil engineers have barely begun to...

Structures Around the World�Celebration of Man's Creativity
At the ASCE New York International Convention in May, the most talked about subject was structures. Some of those described are among man's most beautiful and impressive works,...





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