Analysis and Design of Structures with Outrigger Arms
Although sophisticated computer methods are available for analyzing an entire building structure, there is a need for simplified methods (a) for checking the accuracy of the computer analyses,...

Verification of Approximate Methods of Structural Analysis
Sophisticated computer programs for the determination of the effects of instability on the inelastic stress resultants in steel structures will appear to be 'black boxes'...

Certifying the TN-BRP and TN-REG Transportable Storage Demonstration Casks
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has obtained U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) certification to transport two transportable storage casks for a demonstration project. Because...

Development of the GA-4 and GA-9 Legal Weight Truck Spent Fuel Shipping Casks
General Atomics (GA) is developing two legal-weight-truck spent-fuel shipping casks for transporting commercial reactor spent fuel. The GA-4 pressurized-water-reactor (PWR) and the GA-9...

High-Capacity, High-Strength Trailer Designs for the GA-4/GA-9 Casks
General Atomics (GA) is developing final designs for two dedicated legal-weight trailers to transport the GA-4 and GA-9 Spent-Fuel Casks. The basic designs for these high-capacity, high-strength...

Determination of Diffusivities of Sorbing and Nonsorbing Species in Rocks
Through-diffusion experiments were performed for the sorbing and nonsorbing species in granites. Determining methods of diffusivities were discussed according to sorption properties of...

Interpretative Modelling of Studies of Sorption of Radionuclides onto Geological Materials
An integrated modelling and experimental approach related to the quantification of the sorption of radionuclides onto geological materials is described. The primary role of the experimental...

Design Control Process Requirements for Geologic Repository Operations Area Design
This paper outlines U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) key regulations applicable to U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) design...

Interpretation and Modelling Process of Bedrock Structures for Site Evaluation in Finland
The repository site for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in Finland will be selected by the end of the year 2000. Preliminary site investigations have been made in five areas since...

Design and Operating Criteria of the French Deep Repository for High Level Radioactive Waste
The design and operating criteria of the French geologic repository for high level radioactive waste (HLW) were selected for their contribution to operational and long-term safety, as...

Characterization of High Radioactive Waste in a Reprocessing Plant Using Passive and Active Neutronic Methods
In the new UP3 reprocessing plant at LA HAGUE, drums containing hulls and endpieces are produced at the end of the shearing and dissolution shop. The determination of residual fuel masses...

Flow and Transport Around a Noncontinuous Horizontal Layer at Yucca Mountain
Computer simulations were used to examine the effect of a noncontinuous horizontal layer on the flow field and contaminant transport of a simplified conceptual model. The domain consisted...

Evaluation of Geoscientific Information Systems for Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Modeling, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Fully three-dimensional representations of the geologic system at Yucca Mountain have been developed using a Geoscientific Information System, which is an expansion of a traditional Geographic...

Effect of Material Heterogeneities on Flow Through Porous Media
Modeling studies were conducted to determine the effects of material heterogeneities on the flow of water through rock. Multiple numerical calculations were made using random variations...

Unsaturated Flow Through a Variable Aperture Fracture in Topopah Spring Welded Tuff
The role of fractures in unsaturated flow through welded and nonwelded tuffaceous rocks is a fundamental question being addressed in performance assessment activities for the Yucca Mountain...

Transportation of Radioactive Materials Routing Analysis: The Nevada Experience
In 1987, the Nevada State Legislature passed a Bill requiring the Nevada Department of Transportation to develop and enforce a plan for highway routing of highway route controlled quantity...

An Approach to Evaluate the Sufficiency of Highway Bridges for Nuclear Spent Fuel Transportation
The transportation of radioactive spent fuel can have a significant impact on bridge structures located on designated routes. Due to the critical nature of the cargo and because of the...

Disposal of Vitrified Waste in an Unsaturated Environment
An experimental program is described wherein the effect of important independent variables on glass reaction under conditions that may exist for unsaturated storage is examined. The effect...

Mechanistic Interpretation of Glass Reaction: Input to Kinetic Model Development
Actinide-doped SRL 165 type glass was reacted in J-13 groundwater at 90?C for times up to 278 days. The reaction was characterized by both solution and solid analyses. The glass was seen...

Development of a Structural Model to Analyze Public Opinion on a High-Level Radioactive Waste Facility
Studies show that Nevada residents and state officials oppose the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository project at Yucca Mountain. Nevada residents view the Yucca Mountain repository...





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