Oxygenation of Releases from Richard B. Russell Dam
The oxygen injection system at the Richard B. Russell project has a continuous injection system located 1 mile upstream of the Russell damsite but also has supplemental injection capability...

The Reliability of Treatment Systems
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of case studies of zero and first order reactor systems and an activated sludge treatment system consisting of a primary settling tank...

On-Site Microcomputer Control of a Combined Sewer Overflow Diversion Structure
This paper describes the design of an inexpensive system for controlling combined sewer overflows using on-site equipment (raingauges, flow gauges, automatic gates, and microcomputers)....

Computer-Aided Analysis of Treatment Plant Hydraulics
This paper describes software for the hydraulic analysis of water and wastewater treatment works. HADES (the Hydraulic Analysis, Design, and Evaluation System,) provides interactive analysis...

Real-Time Monitoring and Flood Forecasting
An automated flood warning system is now serving the 2,700,000 residents of Houston, Harris County, Texas. Real-time rainfall and river level data from more than 150 sensors are automatically...

Heppner's User-Friendly Local Flood Warning System
The Heppner, Oregon, local flood warning system uses state-of-the-art technology with event-initiated data transmission, real-time monitoring, and automatic evaluation and notification....

Water Supply Infrastructure Needs: The Evolving Picture
Based on the findings from AWWA surveys conducted in 1983 and 1985, it appears that the earlier conclusion that the needs of the nation's water systems can be met by the local...

Financing Water Supply Infrastructure - A Public Works Perspective
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority was established to ensure that the regional water and wastewater needs were properly addressed, removing the budget process from the legislature...

The United Kingdom Approach to Rehabilitation
Following concern over the condition and performance of its underground assets, the UK Water Industry has developed strategies for cost effective sewer and water main rehabilitation. These...

Water Infrastructure: Research and Education Needs
Problems with infrastructure have received considerable attention but not much has been written about implications for research and education. Education and research should be aimed at...

Verification of a Supply Reliability Model
Three versions of an analytical model for estimating the reliability of a water supply system including capacity components and small amounts of finished water storage are presented. Simplifying...

Drinking Water Distribution System Reliability: A Case Study
The purpose of this study was to present a tool useful to water utilities that not only could analyze historical distribution system reliability data, but also provide a flexible and expandable...

Hydraulic Reliability of Urban Water Distribution Systems
Conventional planning and design approaches for urban water distribution systems consist of trial and error procedures to select piping network configurations, pipe sizes, storage capacities...

Modeling Reliability in Water Distribution Network Design
The component failures in a water distribution system include pipe breaks, pump failures, valve failures, storage malfunctions, etc. The reliability of these components has an effect upon...

Model for Optimal-Risk Based Water Distribution Network Design
Various models using a variety of optimization techniques were developed for determining pipe diameters, network layout, pump capacities, and other design parameters. The objective function...

NID Water Supply and Hydropower Operation Model
A basic requirement of CH2M HILL's Raw Water Master Plan for Nevada Irrigation District (NID) was to determine the dependable water supply available from the District's...

Optimal Weekly Operation of a System of Three Multipurpose Reservoirs
Marion, Council Grove, and John Redmond Lakes located in the Upper Neosho-Cottonwood River basin are an integral part of the State Water Marketing Program of Kansas. In addition to water...

Facilities Planning in the Caribbean a Case Study
Culebra has significant problems of water scarcity and poor wastewater treatment. In 1984-1985, a formal Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was prepared for improved wastewater treatment...

Irrigation in Mexico
Mexico has a great historic tradition in the construction of works for irrigation; irrigated agriculture has been practiced since the pre-hispanic epoch. The development of hydro-agriculture...

Irrigation Development in Alberta, Canada
Agricultural production in the southwestern part of the Canadian prairie provinces is limited by insufficient rainfall for optimum crop production. To overcome this moisture deficiency...





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