Analysis of Spillway Failures by Uplift Pressure
Results of a model study to evaluate the development of uplift pressures beneath concrete chutes are presented. Two spillway failures are described to support the study results. Common...

Mathematical Model of Wave Induced Pressures
A two-dimensional, implicit finite difference model was built to compute surface wave induced pressures under a gravity base foundation. The results showed considerable wave attenuation...

Bay/Delta Hydraulic Model?Thirty Years of Service
The San Francisco Bay and Delta is an extremely complex estuarine system. During the past thirty years, the San Francisco Bay/Delta Hydraulic Model has proven to be a valuable scientific...

Three-Dimensional Modeling of a Stratified Estuary
Development around Choctawhatchee Bay, and reduced productivity, loss of seagrass beds, and higher salinities, prompted the Northwest Florida Water Management District to conduct an investigation...

A Marina Model of Continuous Loads and Equilibrium
For projects requiring dredge and fill permits from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (FDER) the impact on water quality is one of the primary areas of concern which must...

Harbor Restoration Through Improved Circulation
After several episodes of massive fish kills in Old Pass Lagoon on the Florida Gulf Coast, an investigation was undertaken to identify the problems and propose cost-effective solutions....

Approach for 3-D, Time-Varying Hydrodynamic/Water Quality Model of Chesapeake Bay
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has identified major contributing factors to the Bay's decline as inputs of nutrients and toxicants from point and nonpoint...

Development and Application of the Chesapeake Bay Eutrophication Model
The paper discusses the formulation of a steady-state coupled hydrodynamic/water quality model of Chesapeake Bay. The intent of this model was to provide insight into the processes and...

Martins Fork Reservoir Sedimentation Study
The Martins Fork Reservoir is located on Martins Fork of the Cumberland River in Harlan County, Kentucky. The lake was impounded in December, 1978. Since closure, the lake has experienced...

Performance Evaluation of Channels Stabilized with ARS-Type Low-Drop Structures
Field and hydraulic investigations of seven ARS-type low-drop grade-control structures located in Mississippi indicate that most of the structures become submerged during flows with recurrence...

Alternate Designs for the Sidewalls of Hydraulic Jump Stilling Basins
This paper discusses several alternate designs to replace the full height sidewalls of a type 2 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation stilling basin. The alternate designs that were investigated...

Unsteady Flow in a Navigation Channel
Based on the de St Venant equations, the Preissmann's implicit finite difference scheme, and the double sweep algorithm, a mathematical model for one-dimensional unsteady...

Studies of Hydraulic Jump by the Flow Routing
The high energy of floodwater passing from a reservoir needs to be dissipated to prevent scouring and damage from the dam and other downstream structures. Hydraulic jump is a common way...

Longitudinal Dispersion in Rivers: A Dead Zone Model Solution
The longitudinal dispersion of tracer material in rivers is often analyzed based on the one-dimensional convective diffusion equation developed by G.I. Taylor. However, the persistent...

Reservoir Sediment Sluicing?Laboratory Study
Experiments are being conducted in a 12.2 meter long, 0.38 meter high, 15 centimeter wide flume to examine the behavior of reservoir sediment deposits in response to sluicing. Crushed...

Flow Through Fish Bypass Intakes
Hydraulic and computational fluid dynamic models were used to investigate the cause of the unequal intake flow distribution observed entering the three vertical intakes of the patented...

Physical Model of Local Scour at Grade Control Structures
A physical model of local scour occurring at grade-control structures was operated at an undistorted Froude number prototype-model scale ratio of 1:4. The maximum unit discharge in the...

Task Committee Report on Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems
The results of the ASCE Hydraulics Division Task Committee on Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems are summarized in a very comprehensive report entitled Reliability Analysis...

New Methodology for Determining the Optimal Rehabilitation and Replacement of Water Distribution System Components
A methodology is presented for the determination of the optimal timing for the rehabilitation/replacement of water distribution system components in order to minimize costs. In this model...

3-Dimensional Groundwater Modeling of the West Coast Basin Barrier
This paper describes a practical application of groundwater modeling of seawater intrusion in southern California. The West Coast Basin is one of the major groundwater reservoirs underlying...





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