Sedimentation Consolidation Models?Predictions and Validation
In very soft sediments, questions have arisen concerning the capability of standard computational techniques used to implement calculations. The problems mainly lie in the manner in which...

Using CADD for Fun and Profit
American Bridge Engineers, a Pittsburgh full service engineering, architecture and planning firm, is still exploring the full capabilities of its CADD (computer aided design and drafting)...

On Stealing Software
Current estimates of illegal software copying vary from two to ten copies per program on the market. The Copyright Act of 1976 specifically disallows such copying, but much so-called piracy...

CADD: Getting the Right Fee
For those engineering consultants who use CADD systems on government cost-plus fixed-fee contracts, the author sugests establishing a CADD cost center that includes all costs involved...

Micros Can't Stand Alone
Unlike mainframes, which usually come as turnkey systems, microcomputers require separate accessories. Add-ons for micros include storage devices, memory boards, video boards, communication...

What is UNIX?
UNIX is an operating system that is able to run a variety of machines. While most other operating systems are designed to go with particular software, UNIX can be easily adapted to run...

Should the Computer be Registered?
The 1984 Daniel Mead Prize for Associate Members chose as its topic Should the Computer be Registered? and the winning paper discusses this humorously with a dialogue between a minicomputer...

Yesterday's Mainframe, Today's Desktop
Low cost, high powered engineering computer work stations are now within the economic reach of every small engineering office. While 8-bit computers can solve engineering problems, better...

Computer Links Facilities Management, Mapping
Computerizing of map drafting alone was not cost effective, so electric and gas utilities are using their systems to aid in managing their facilities. This article is a case history of...

Software Development: For Experts Only?
Civil engineering firms tend to buy ready-made software rather than develop it themselves. But if existing software for specific applications is unavailable or of poor quality, then the...

Managing by Database
Many computer programs are available for managing the operations and maintenance aspects of a facility. To date, most computer programs for managing a facility have been generated by mechanical...

The Campus Computer
The new Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory (CAE) at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., was established as an adjunct�a supplement�to the faculty and is dedicated to teaching civil engineering,...

Project Documentation and Management Using Jobsite Microcomputers
The use of onsite microcomputers to handle the project documentation tasks of labor, equipment, and material logs, correspondence, daily diaries and inspection reports will enable project...

Use of LP: An Aggregate Blending Example
The use of well known linear programs which in the past were largely confined to relatively limited mainframe usage, for the management of engineered construction is explored using a well...

Computers in the Construction Resident Office
The application of small computers to the management and control of construction projects is obvious. However, what benefits could be realized from their application in a resident office,...

Computer Estimating System-Design / Implementation
The Ball, Ball and Brosamer (BBB) Construction Company of Danville, California recognized the need to computerize their estimating process in the fall of 1981. This paper is a narrative...

Organizational Adaptation to Small Computers
The organizational changes associated with the introduction of mini- and micro-computers into firms in the construction industry is addressed in this paper. A review of the general management...

Electronic Computation
Dramatic changes have occurred in computer-aided structural engineering during the past 25 years. Computers have evolved from large, slow processors with little available storage to fast...

Evaluating CADD Systems
This article presents and explains numerous functional characteristics and features that computer-aided design and drafting systems should possess in order to be useful, productive tools...

Computers: The Ins and Outs of the Purchasing Contract
When purchasing computers and computer graphic systems there are 13 areas in the purchasing contract that should be investigated. These include the agreement, specification, dates, inspection,...





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