Perceptions, Sensitivity, and Solutions; Water Quality 2000
Commencing early in 1971, the Water Pollution Control Federation (WPCF) (now Water Environment Federation) established a series of challenge groups which would develop information essential...

Water Demand Management in the Las Vegas Valley Region
Water resources in the Las Vegas Valley Region (LVR) are of great concern to the residents and local water purveyors. The chief stimulus for concern is the rapid growth of the region coupled...

Predicting Water Demand in Agricultural Regions Using Time Series Forecasts of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration
Overall, it can be said that the time series model developed in this study did provide superior forecasting results for the Brawley, CA, site. This indicates that the monthly reference...

Streamflow Forecasting Using Trainable Neural Networks
In this investigation the practicality of applying a backpropagation neural network to modeling watershed response characteristics is examined. Two separate tests were performed. One test...

Modeling Instantaneous Residential Demands in Municipal Water Distribution Systems
A modeling scheme is proposed for simulating the intensity, duration, and frequency of instantaneous indoor water use at a single family residence. The intensity and duration of indoor...

Use of Interactive Simulation Environments for the Development of Negotiation Tools
Interactive computer programs have been used successfully for many years to facilitate the planning and operation of water resources. Recently, advances in computer software have made...

Spatial Decision Support System for Toxic Spill Modeling in the Ohio River
Spatial decision support systems (SDSS) are hardware-software systems that incorporate spatial analysis and modeling in a workstation environment. The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation...

Scheduling of Ground Water Pumpage in Alluvial Aquifers to Minimize the Impact on Surface Water Diversions
The purpose of this paper is to present a methodology to administer the withdrawal of ground water from a basin where stream-aquifer systems are hydraulically connected. The administrative...

An Approach for Incorporating Inflows Uncertainty in Management Models
Inflow uncertainty is probably the most difficult issue for optimal management of conjunctive use water resources systems. In many instances, the effect of future inflows and their uncertainty...

An Overview: Wetland Restoration, Protection, and Establishment by Beneficially Using Dredged Material
Dredged material has been used beneficially by mankind for many years; in the past two decades it has purposely been used to restore and protect existing wetlands, and to establish new...

Study of Groundwater Availability in Case of Drought
Groundwater drought events were derived by taking truncation levels through the time series of daily drawdown records from observation wells. Droughts of various truncation levels, namely,...

Agricultural Option Contracts
A plan for developing and implementing option contracts on agricultural water supplies by municipalities in Northern Colorado is presented. Two water supply projects - the Colorado-Big...

Use of Interactive Simulation Environments for Evaluation of Water Supply Reliability
This paper investigates physical performance measures and their practical application to a regional water resource system for western Washington. Specific criteria for characterizing the...

Urban Water Management in the 21st Century
The rapid growth of cities is placing heavy demands on limited water resources. While conservation and demand management programs have been recognized as essential elements of urban water...

Reclaimed Water, Irrigation, and Conservation Pricing
The Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) is located in the south-central portion of Orange County consisting of approximately 76,000 acres. The most extensive reclaimed water project in...

Solving MWRA's Supply Issues Through Conservation
Facing a supply/demand imbalance where demand was exceeding supply by over 10%, MWRA acted to implement a balanced water conservation strategy. The strategy included leak detection and...

Demand Management Strategies for Providence Water Supply Board
The Providence water supply is the largest in Rhode Island, and the demands placed upon it continue to increase with the growth of the area as other systems turn to it as a preferred source...

Computer Support for Water Quality Management in San Diego Bay
At present, a variety of computer based systems and techniques, including mathematical models, data bases, information management schemes, statistical analysis packages, and graphical...

Computer-Aided Support for Water Quality Modeling of the Russian River
A computer-aided support system for operation of the QUAL2E-UNCAS modeling packaged has been developed for modeling of the Russian River, California. The system has been created under...

A Decision Support System for Water Quality Modeling
A prototype Decision Support System (DSS) has been developed to evaluate the environmental and economic consequences of alternative farming practices. This system was developed to help...





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