The Evolution of an Environmental Monitor
After more than 40 years of planning, litigation, design and construction, one of the nation's most controversial highway projects is finished. The completion earlier this...

Water Management Under Drought Conditions an Overview of Practices by Federal Agencies
The management of water resources under drought conditions is a diverse topic which has received added emphasis recently as a result of prolonged droughts in parts of the United States....

The Present Status of Precipitation Enhancement by Cloud Seeding
Atmospheric water in the form of precipitation, is one of the primary sources of fresh water in the world. However, a large amount of water present in clouds never gets transformed into...

On-Off Terminal Ship-to-Rail Transfer
The intermodal situation of U.S. ports is still evolving, and port planners will be facing difficult decisions regarding IM Configurations. This article was intended to assist 'perplexed'...

Port of Portland's Berth 601 Floating Dock
The Port of Portland's facilities, being located on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers, are subjected to extreme water level fluctuations. Over the years, the Port has used floating docks...

Waste Water Management at Bulk Terminals
As North American environmental regulations become more demanding, the amount of contaminants permitted in waste water discharge is reaching lower levels than can be achieved by conventional...

Evolving Mitigation Requirements for Port Development
Mitigation for wetland impacts associated with port development at the Port of Tampa has evolved significantly over the past two decades. A recent major wetland creation program at the...

Clean-Up of Contaminated Soils: A Necessary First Step in Industrial Land Redevelopment
This is a paper describing efforts by The Toronto Harbour Commissioners to demonstrate how several technologies can be effectively integrated to remove or reduce contaminant levels in...

Pile Driving: Can it Cause Slope Movement?
The potential for slope movement from pile driving is examined in this paper. Published information is reviewed to identify the primary causes of movement, which are 1) displacement of...

Dredging Contaminated Sediments: A Monitoring Plan for Boston Harbor
Dredging and blasting will be conducted in Boston's Inner Harbor over approximately a one-year period during construction of the Third Harbor Tunnel. The silty organic surface sediments...

Environmental Monitoring and Operator Guidance System (EMOGS) for Shallow Water Ports
Port facilities have increasingly been required to accommodate longer and deeper draft ships. Existing approaches to many ports consist of long shallow channels which can make transits...

Land Reclamation Design for the Port of Los Angeles' 2020 Plan
In order to meet future cargo demands the Ports of Los Angeles (POLA) and Long Beach in conjunction with the United States Army Corps of Engineers have conducted a long-range planning...

Bulk Commodity Terminals?Planning for the Future Competitive and Environmental Challenges
The demand upon all industries for better protection of the environment is increasing and the regulations and permit requirements are changing rapidly. Bulk commodity terminal operators...

Honolulu Harbor Ship Traffic Simulation and Animation Study
A computer simulation and animation study was conducted to investigate the operational impacts of projected ship traffic increases and harbor reconfiguration specified in the Honolulu...

Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors Model Enhancement Program
In response to the expansion of oceanborne world commerce, the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California, in coordination with the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of...

Information Management in Water Resources: Database and GIS Integration
Historically the management and analysis of large quantities of water resources related information has been time consuming and expensive. Until recently, the use of sophisticated geographic...

Global Warming and Possible Effects on the Central and Southern Florida Project
The possible impacts of global warming on the operation and management of the Central and Southern Florida Project are examined. The potential impacts include sea level rise, tropical...

Global Climate Change Effects on Water Quality
The annual thermal energy cycle of Shasta Reservoir in California is simulated under scenarios of climate corresponding to present conditions and as predicted by global climate models...

Global Change and Regional Water Resources
Global climatic changes will probably have significant effect on the utilization of regional water resources and will influence markedly the operation of water storage and delivery systems....

Seven Legal Strategies to Cool Global Warming
There are seven types of legal approaches which can be employed by different levels of government to cool global warming. Application of these strategies, singly or in various combinations,...





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