Computer-Assisted Geometric and Kinematic Analysis of Subsurface Faulting in the Vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, Using Balanced Geologic Cross Sections
Computer-assisted geological cross section balancing methods are used in the geometric and kinematic analysis of subsurface structures in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, including...

Mechanical Anisotropy of the Yucca Mountain Tuffs
Three series of measurements were performed on oriented cores of several Yucca Mountain tuffs to determine the importance of mechanical anisotropy in the intact rock. Outcrop and drillhole...

Fractal Characteristics of Fracture Roughness and Aperture Data
In this study mathematical expressions are developed for the characteristics of apertures between rough surfaces. It shown that the correlation between the opposite surfaces influences...

Assessment of Fracture-Sampling Techniques for Laboratory Tests on Core
As part of the site characterization work to be done at Yucca Mountain in Nye County, Nevada, a candidate site for the first mined-geologic repository for high-level nuclear waste, laboratory...

Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Waste Package Plan
The goal of the U.S. Department Of Energy's (DOE) Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) waste package program is to develop, confirm the effectiveness of, and...

Gaseous Release of Carbon-14: Why the High Level Waste Regulations Should be Changed
The high-level nuclear waste regulations pertaining to gaseous release of carbon-14 from a repository should be changed to allow greater release, for several reasons. Some of them are...

The Development Process for Unique Underground Equipment for Waste Handling
The Department of Energy (DOE) is currently planning to site, construct, and operate a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, for the disposal of high-level nuclear waste (HLW)....

State Environmental Review of a Proposed Utility Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
This paper describes the environmental review process which was applied by the State of Minnesota to a proposed dry cask storage facility. An environmental analysis of the proposed project...

Standardized, Utility-DOE Compatible, Spent Fuel Storage-Transport Systems
Virginia Power has developed and licensed a facility for dry storage of spent nuclear fuel in metal spent fuel storage casks. The modifications to the design of these casks necessary for...

Rancho Seco Spent Fuel Disposition Strategy
Spent fuel disposition options were studied for the shut down Rancho Seco plant. Based on comparative costs of various options, plant SAFSTOR intentions, reductions of spent fuel handling,...

Commissioning of High Level Liquid Waste Facilities
A programme of commissioning tests was carried out on the latest High Level Liquid Waste Evaporation and Storage Facilities constructed at BNF plc Sellafield, England. These tests set...

Formic Acid Requirement for Savannah River Site Defense Waste Processing Facility Melter Feed Preparation (U)
The Westinghouse Savannah River Company (WSRC) will vitrify the high-level radioactive waste into a borosilicate glass wasteform using a slurry-fed, joule-heated melter. Formic acid is...

Product Quality and Process Control in the Windscale Vitrification Plant
The Windscale Vitrification Plant (WVP) is owned and operated by British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) at the Sellafield Site in England. The purpose of the facility is to condition the high level...

Developing an Education Program for Schools on Radioactive Waste Management
United Kingdom Nirex Limited is responsible for the development of a deep disposal facility for Britain's solid low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes. In line with...

Curriculum and Instruction in Nuclear Waste Disposal
Curriculum and instruction in nuclear waste disposal is part of the larger problem of curriculum and instruction in science. At a time when science and technological literacy is crucial...

Mineralogic Alteration History and Paleohydrology at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The importance of paleohydrology to the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project derives from the role water will play in radioactive-waste repository performance. Changes in hydrologic...

Fracture-Lining Minerals in the Lower Topopah Spring Tuff at Yucca Mountain
Fracture-lining minerals in the lower Topopah Spring Member of the Paintbrush Tuff at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, are being examined to characterize potential flow paths within and away from...

Radionuclide Migration as a Function of Mineralogy
The migration of radionuclides is studied as a function of mineralogy utilizing batch sorption and column experiments. The transport behavior of alkaline, alkaline-earth, and transition...

Flow and Transport Around a Noncontinuous Horizontal Layer at Yucca Mountain
Computer simulations were used to examine the effect of a noncontinuous horizontal layer on the flow field and contaminant transport of a simplified conceptual model. The domain consisted...

Evaluation of Geoscientific Information Systems for Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Modeling, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Fully three-dimensional representations of the geologic system at Yucca Mountain have been developed using a Geoscientific Information System, which is an expansion of a traditional Geographic...





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