Design Considerations for Small Artificial Islands in Franks Tract, California
Small, artificially-created islands may provide significant recreation and habitat benefits. Costs, however, can also be high. The initial dollar cost of creating an artificial island,...

A Design Manual for Coastal Fluidization Systems
This paper summarizes a recently completed design manual on fluidization systems to manage sand in the coastal environment for sand bypassing at inlets and harbor mouths and for creating...

Robust Approach to Wave Runup Calculation
Wind wave runup on a natural beach is examined for the case of an irregular wave forcing function. A pragmatic approach to the calculation of the runup time series and the corresponding...

Remote Automated Wave and Water Level Monitoring System Deployed at Agat Harbor, Guam
Agat Harbor, Guam is a small boat harbor excavated from a coral reef flat and protected by a detached breakwater. An automated monitoring system was designed and installed to observe wave...

Environmental Effects of Beaufort Sea Causeways
Two gravel-fill causeways have been constructed into the shallow nearshore Beaufort sea on the north coast of Alaska for the development of petroleum reservoirs. These long (4-8 km) structures...

Coastal Engineering Design Codes in the Netherlands
Dutch research strategy on water defences and the resulting coastal and hydraulic engineering design codes (technical documents) are briefly overviewed. Special attention is paid to organizational...

Should the U.S. Accept the Concept of Navigable Depth?
Navigable depth is defined as the maximum depth of water from the chart datum that is safe to accept as the bed of the channel, such that damage does not occur to a ship's hull and maneuverability...

GIS: New York's Pipe Dream
To be of any use to managers, infrastructure data must be compiled in a form they can use. The answer for the 1990s is a geographic information system that electronically combines data...

Tackling Trapped Sediments
Crater-sink fluidization has been used to recover sediment from harbors for the past couple of decades. Can this method bypass sediment around dams and return it to eroded beaches, solving...

Dynamic Compaction of Nuclear Waste
When ponding, caused by settlement of the original soil cover over low-level nuclear waste buried at the Department of Energy's Savannah River Nuclear Plant near Aiken, S.C.,...

Cleaning Up Chromium
From 1956 to 1985, the United Chrome Products plant in Corvallis, Oregon, took a steady toll on the environment. Leaky plating tanks and the discharge of rinse water into a disposal pit...

Controlling Nitrogen in Coastal Waters
Excess nitrogen in coastal waters is becoming a problem worldwide. Nutrients such as nitrogen come from sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, runoff from fertilizer and animal waste,...

Safeguarding Steel
U.S. bridges are caught in the money squeeze. Painting has become a luxury few public agencies can afford and complying with EPA regulations has escalated costs even more. The paint/coatings...

Piles Over Problems Sites
It's increasingly difficult to find suitable space for construction in urban areas. Pile foundations can fill the void by making questionable and heavily regulated sites,...

Project Management: Keys to Success
Successful construction projects can be traced to several key factors observed by the owner, the AE and the contractor. They include: 1) Goals and commitment of the managing partners agreed...

Double Diamonds: New Brand for a Texas Bridge
Double diamond towers, distinctive as a cattle brand but tall as a 44 story building, have reached landmark status on the Texas Gulf Coast even though the bridge they will carry won't...

Geomechanics of Subsidence Due to Pumping of Groundwater
In this talk we describe a nonlinear theory for the classical problem of pumping of groundwater from a layered soil. The model soil system consists of three horizontal layers where a very...

Shoaling and Breaking of Random Wave Trains: Spectral Approaches
We describe recent efforts to develop a model to predict the evolution of the spectra of random ocean waves shoaling and breaking on a natural beach. A model based on the full Euler equations...

Wave Interaction with Fluid Mud in Rectangular Trench
Wave interaction with fluid mud in a rectangular trench is studied theoretically based on small-amplitude wave theory. The problem was formulated using the Voigt model for an viscoelastic...

Nonlinear Shoaling and Impact of Waves on Coastal Structures
A two-dimensional fully nonlinear potential flow model is used to calculate shoaling of solitary and enoidal waves over a sloping bottom and interaction with submerged or emerged coastal...





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