Validation of the Simplified Audit Process at a Roofing Tar Paper Speciality Product Manufacturer -
The Simplified Audit Process (SAP) is presently tested in a roofing tar paper speciality product manufacturer in Joliette, Quebec. The steps involved in the process had helped the company...
Pilot Testing of a Zero-Discharge Treatment Process
As environmental regulations become more stringent, pulp and paper mills are investigating alternatives to conventional biological treatment and discharge of effluents into receiving waters....
Siting Low Profile Grade Control Structures for the Muddy Creek Demonstration Stream Restoration Research Project
In the Fall of 1993 Reclamation began a demonstration stream restoration research project on Muddy Creek, near Great Falls, Montana. Muddy Creek captures return irrigation flow from a...
Features of a Chevron Weir Rock Ramp
This paper presents the features of a new type of low profile grade control structure, the chevron weir rock ramp. As the name infers, the planform of the structure is in the shape of...
Influence of Backwater on Headcut Advance
A study was performed to examine the influence of backwater level downstream of an overfall on headcut advance. The discharge, overfall height, and soil type were held constant while varying...
Dynamic Optimal Groundwater Remediation by Granular Activated Carbon
Objective functions to describe the operating and capital costs of GAC treatment are incorporated into a control theory model for optimal pump-and-treat groundwater remediation design....
A Multiperiod Approach for the Solution of Groundwater Management Problems using the Outer Approximation Method
In a previous work the Outer Approximation method was presented (Karatzas and Pinder, 1993 and 1996) for the solution of groundwater management problems where the selected pumping rates...
Use of SALQR Optimization in Large Aquifer Cleanup
A modified form of Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP), called Suc cessive Approximation to a Linear Quadratic Regulator (SALQR), is used to compute optimal policies for remediation...
Distributed Parameter Hydrologic Modeling and NEXRAD for River Forecasting: Scale Issues Facing the National Weather Service
With the advent of NEXRAD (Next Generation RADar), the National Weather Service has the opportunity to move from current lumped parameter modeling to more of a distributed parameter hydrologic...
Evaluation of Sampling Properties of General Extreme Value (GEV) Distribution-L-Moments Vs Conventional Moments
The sample estimates of conventional moments are shown to be biased and this bias increases for small samples, and especially so when the skewness is high (Wallis et al., 1974). The recently...
Three-Dimensional Numerical Model for Fish Bypass Studies
This paper describes a numerical model developed for evaluating different options for fish bypass systems at Wanapum Dam on the Columbia River, WA. The model predicts the complex patterns...
Surface Oriented Fishway and Fish Guidance Curtain
We, the the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, are developing a juvenile salmonid surface bypass and collection prototype for Lower Granite Dam. One of the more promising...
Developments in the Use of Infrasound for Protecting Fish at Water Intakes
Attempts to protect fish at water intakes with sound generating devices have been ongoing for decades. Past results have been equivocal. However, the recent availability of high energy,...
An Evaluation of Drainage Conditions in the San Joaquin Valley
The discovery of deformities and deaths of aquatic birds at Kesterson Reservoir in 1983 substantially altered the perception of agricultural subsurface drainage water threats in the San...
Alternatives for Managing Shallow Ground Water in Arid Irrigated Areas
The combined operation of a drainage system for subirrigation and drainage is being considered for application in arid areas of the world. This is accomplished by modifying an irrigation...
Optimum On-Farm Irrigation Efficiency for Sustainable Agriculture
In irrigated agriculture, on-farm irrigation efficiency and salinity build-up in the crop root zone are interrelated. Sustainability of soil productivity and crop production depends on...
An Extended Relaxation Technique for Unsteady Flows in Networks
A recent enhancement to the FLD WAY model is the addition of an extended relaxation technique for modeling unsteady flows in a dendritic (tree-type) network of channels with tributaries...
Application of High-Resolution Schemes to Free Surface Flows in Irregular Channels
A 1-D flow model employing a high resolution scheme based on the Total Variation Diminishing concept is applied to non-prismatic channels of irregular cross-section. The hydraulic properties...
A Graphical Environment for Multi-Dimensional Surface Water Modeling
Recently the Engineering Computer Graphics Laboratory of Brigham Young University in conjunction with the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station and the Federal Highway Administration...
Depth-Averaged Equations for Free Surface Flows
Depth-Averaged equations for free surface flow are derived by applying fundamental physical principles of mass conservation, momentum and moment of momentum on a control volume from the...
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