Low-Rise Shear Wall Failure Modes
A summary of the data that are available concerning the structural response of low-rise shear walls is presented. These data will be used to address two failure modes associated with shear...

Advanced Composites Materials in Civil Engineering Structures
This proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Advanced Composites Materials in Civil Engineering held in Las Vegas on January 31?February 1, 1991 contains 40 papers from ten technical...

Vine Street Reborn
Following decades of controversy and a four-year construction effort that threatened to drive both engineers and local motorists crazy, Philadelphia's Vine Street reopened...

A Computerized Completion
The original designers of the 1.6 million sq ft Fillmore Center in San Francisco (its largest mixed-use development project in 20 years) had specified a large amount of steel reinforcement...

Dallas' Flood Caverns
Dallas' North Central Expressway floods during heavy rains, but the dense development that helps create excessive runoff also precludes large detention ponds. The high-quality,...

Approximate Methods of Structural Analysis: Principles and Pitfalls
In this modern age when the trend in structural engineering and structural engineering education is to make more and more use of computers and standard structural analysis programs, there...

Structural Approximations in Multi-Story Buildings
Simplified computer analyses and various approximate hand calculation methods are extremely valuable in structural engineering for multi-story buildings both during the preliminary design...

Wind Frame Design for Mid Rise Buildings
A brief discussion of drift limits is followed by design procedures for unbraced moment resisting wind frames and initial selection of optimized member sizes for chevron bracing frames....

Simplified Second-Order Inelastic Analysis for Steel Frame Design
Several current approaches are outlined that account for the spreading of plasticity in a second-order inelastic analysis of frames. The approaches are based on modifications to the simple...

Approximate Preliminary Methods for Design of Lateral Load Resisting Systems in High Rise Buildings
A new group of optimization programs uses the speed and power of modern computers to eliminate the need for guessing preliminary sizes. Starting with any arbitrary sizes and a fixed geometry,...

Verification of Advanced Analysis Techniques
As a designer there is a concern over the complexity of analysis required by design specifications and building codes because it forces engineers into types of analysis for which many...

Analysis and Design of Structures with Outrigger Arms
Although sophisticated computer methods are available for analyzing an entire building structure, there is a need for simplified methods (a) for checking the accuracy of the computer analyses,...

Verification of Approximate Methods of Structural Analysis
Sophisticated computer programs for the determination of the effects of instability on the inelastic stress resultants in steel structures will appear to be 'black boxes'...

Certifying the TN-BRP and TN-REG Transportable Storage Demonstration Casks
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has obtained U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) certification to transport two transportable storage casks for a demonstration project. Because...

Development of the GA-4 and GA-9 Legal Weight Truck Spent Fuel Shipping Casks
General Atomics (GA) is developing two legal-weight-truck spent-fuel shipping casks for transporting commercial reactor spent fuel. The GA-4 pressurized-water-reactor (PWR) and the GA-9...

High-Capacity, High-Strength Trailer Designs for the GA-4/GA-9 Casks
General Atomics (GA) is developing final designs for two dedicated legal-weight trailers to transport the GA-4 and GA-9 Spent-Fuel Casks. The basic designs for these high-capacity, high-strength...

Design Control Process Requirements for Geologic Repository Operations Area Design
This paper outlines U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) key regulations applicable to U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) design...

Interpretation and Modelling Process of Bedrock Structures for Site Evaluation in Finland
The repository site for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in Finland will be selected by the end of the year 2000. Preliminary site investigations have been made in five areas since...

Design and Operating Criteria of the French Deep Repository for High Level Radioactive Waste
The design and operating criteria of the French geologic repository for high level radioactive waste (HLW) were selected for their contribution to operational and long-term safety, as...

An Approach to Evaluate the Sufficiency of Highway Bridges for Nuclear Spent Fuel Transportation
The transportation of radioactive spent fuel can have a significant impact on bridge structures located on designated routes. Due to the critical nature of the cargo and because of the...





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