Modeling of Coupled Heat-Mass-Stress Effects in Geologic Media
To investigate the importance of coupled hydraulic-thermal-mechanical processes for the potential nuclear waste storage repository at the Yucca Mountain, a computer code is being developed....

The Role of Sensor Directed, Model-Based Control in Robotic Handling of Nuclear Waste Casks and Materials
This paper discusses the results from several projects at Sandia National Laboratories investigating the application of intelligent machine technologies to remote handling of nuclear waste...

Analysis of RADTRAN Transportation Model
The RADTRAN computer model, used to estimate the risks of transporting waste to a high-level repository, is critically reviewed. Ignoring high consequence accidents, human error, sabotage,...

Multi-Dimensional Modeling of Unsaturated Flow in the Vicinity of Exploratory Shafts and Fault Zones at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Modeling studies were conducted to determine the potential effects of exploratory shafts on moisture distribution in the vicinity of an exploratory shaft facility, and the potential for...

Applications of Fracture-Flow Modeling to Site Characterization
This paper describes practical applications of discrete-fracture approaches for design and analysis of groundwater flow about high-level radioactive waste repositories. The paper presents...

Postclosure Safety Assessment of Radioactive Waste Disposal Systems: Current State of Understanding and International Consensus
Approximately ten years have passed since the first comprehensive safety assessments of radioactive waste disposal systems appeared. Through intensive efforts in practically all countries...

Systems Integration Operations/Logistics Model (SOLMOD)
SOLMOD is a discrete event simulation model written in FORTRAN 77 and operates in a VAX or PC environment. The model emulates the movement and interaction of equipment and radioactive...

The Coordination of System Representation and Operating Assumptions for System Studies in SIMS
Two projects at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) have been devoted to development of the capability to provide descriptive details of the Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) and...

Method for Determining the Fuel Contribution to the Source Term in Trasnport Casks
A comprehensive source term characterization methodology has been developed for the determination of the fuel contribution to the potentially releasable radioactivity in spent fuel shipping...

Fluid Line Deployment and Repair for Space Station
Deployment of the utility system for providing services to the NASA Space Station Freedom provides a unique challenge in design and material technology. The system must be lightweight,...

Post-MECO Propulsion System Requirements for Placement of an STS External Tank in Low Earth Orbit
This paper discusses the findings of a series of computer simulations carried out at the National Institute of Standards and Technology to investigate the requirements for powered flight...

Force and Geometry Constraints in Robot Excavation
One interest in this research effort was to develop and test an automatic control approach to adjust machine motions to the force conditions encountered during excavation - essentially...

A Robotics Testbed for In-Space Assembly Tasks
The operations testbed of the Center for Space Construction at the University of Colorado is described. This testbed serves as a centralized testing environment for interdisciplinary research...

Motion Control of Space Structures
A new area of civil engineering is emerging as we begin to establish a permanent presence in space. The new area of civil engineering is the motion control of space structures. This paper...

Effects of Initial Conditions on Large Space Structures
Effects of initial conditions of axial deformation (length) and attitude (pitch) angle have been investigated on the subsequent orbital motion, attitude (librational) motion, and axial...

Actively Controlled Optimum Structural Design
This paper deals with the investigation of the number and location of actuators and sensors on the optimum structure and control design of space structures. The optimization problem is...

Wave Propagation in Hyper-Structures
The concept of hyperelement was introduced by E. Kausel and J.M. Roesset, 1977 in connection with the derivation of the dynamic stiffness matrix for layered continuum problems involving...

The Truss-Beam and Space Technology
A method is presented herein to determine the dynamic characteristics of truss-beam systems for both planar and space structures. Results from this approach are compared with those of...

Dynamics of Composite Tubes
A displacement-based stiffness method is used to study the characteristics of dispersive wave propagation in laminated composite cylindrical tubes. It is assumed that the tube is composed...

Effect of Gravity on Dynamic Behavior of Beams
Large space structures will be needed to provide structural framework for maintaining relative positions of individual components of systems in low earth orbit. Particularly because of...





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