River Clean-Up Plan Developed with Citizens and Industry
In Wisconsin, a group of citizens has worked closely with industry and professional water quality planners to develop a plan to make a once polluted river fishable/swimmable. This plan,...

U.S. Water Policy: Putting the Lid on the Pork Barrel
Federal water policy is undergoing a significant change, both in the way projects are developed and approved and in the kinds of water problems addressed. The Congress and the Executive...

Duluth Sanitary District First in U.S. to Take Charge of Both Sewage and Refuse
The Western Lake Superior Sanitary District, serving Duluth, Minnesota and its suburbs, is the first sanitary district in the U.S. to be responsible for both wastewater and municipal refuse...

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Pioneers in Conservation Approach
One way to save fuel costs in sewage treatment plants is to use methane gas produced during sludge digestion as fuel. Cleveland's Southerly Wastewater Treatment Plant, however,...

Groundwater and Non-Point Pollution: Key Water Quality Issues of the 1980's
Problems of the '80s will include: (1)A major effort to bring municipalities into compliance with clean water laws. So far only 40% of the municipalities are in compliance;...

Municipal Sewage: Three Communities Try to Cope
To meet federal clean water guidelines, New Hampshire's Winnipesaukee River Basin, the City of San Francisco, and the City of Milwaukee have to upgrade their treatment to...

Efficiences of Advanced Waste Treatment Obtained with Upgraded Trickling Filters
Many or most cities and towns, and particularly the smaller ones, still use trickling filters in their wastewater treatment plants. The process is economical and reliable, but unfortunately...

Environmental Engineering
The 1980 National Conference on Environmental Engineering was sponsored by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineering in cooperation with Manhattan...

Largest Rotating Biological Contactor Plant Also First to Remove Nitrogen
Orlando, Florida is now constructing a new advanced waste treatment plant that removes both nitrogen and phosphorus to a high level. The plant is notable because it is the largest rotating...

USGS Sharpening Water-Quality Management Tools
By 1983, the U.S. will have spent over $83 billion to upgrade treatment facilities to advanced waste treatment. Much of this furious effort will be in vain, won't produce...

Solid Waste Research and Development Needs for Emerging Coal Technologies
The workshop was organized into three topical areas: (1)Solid Waste Characterization; (2)reuse, recycle, utilization; and (3)environmental effects: system design, monitoring, disposal....

1977 Clean Air Act: Cheapest Way to Clean Up the Environment�
What impact is the Clean Air Act of 1977 having on American industry? Is the law the most cost effective way to clean up the nation's air? The power industry dislikes the...

Nuclear Waste Disposal: Is there a safe solution?
Will fission nuclear power play a major role in the American power industry during the next 50 years? Whether or not it does will largely depend on whether the federal Department of Energy...

Will EPA Relax Its Mandatory Secondary Treatment Requirement�
In the Clean Water Act of 1977, Congress said that under some circumstances communities discharging to marine waters might not have to provide full secondary treatment. At the present...

How New Jersey is Handling Its Hazardous Wastes
For many years, environmental agencies have paid little attention to how industry manages and disposes of its hazardous wastes. This has been especially true in New Jersey. As a result...

EPA Goes to BAT Against Toxic Industrial Wastewater
Industrial wastewater discharged into municipal sanitary sewers can pass untreated through the treatment plant and into the receiving water. Some industrial wastes can also harm biological...

Environmental Problems and Products
Solving environment-related problems with certain products in case history format. Includes: Rebuilding a pelican's nest in Colorado, erosion control. Converting a garbage...

Environmental Engineering Research Needs
In June 1979 a National Science Foundation�ASCE workshop was convened to prepare a report suggesting top-priority research needs in civil engineering for the 1980s. The field was split...

Harrisburg Pioneering Codisposal of Refuse and Sludge
Harrisburg, Pa. is doing something that sounds like common sense yet which has been done by very few communities in the U.S.: disposing of both its municipal refuse and sewage sludge in...

Energy Conservation: Long-Overlooked Cheap Source of Energy
With a well-organized conservation program, the U.S. could slash present energy consumption 30% to 40%�� while still maintaining present living standards. But, to date, the U.S. has failed...





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