Avoiding Lengthy and Costly Litigation by Negotiating Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods
A 'hot issue' in the construction industry today is the negative aspects perceived from wide arbitration use over the last 15 years. Although hearings usually...

Advantages of Standard Contract Forms
The standard forms produced by the Engineer's Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC) offer many advantages to Engineers and others involved in the negotiation and preparation...

Techniques of Negotiation
Three primary qualities are necessary for effective negotiation: knowledge, attitude, and skill. The author's firm has successfully used a negotiating team approach. This...

Filters and Leakage Control in Embankment Dams
In the practice of earth dam engineering there has been some doubt that downstream filters could be relied upon completely to control and seal concentrated leaks through impervious dam...

Embankment Seepage Control Design and Construction
For seepage control features of embankment dams, design criteria and construction practice is reviewed as it is reflected in the experience of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The generally...

Earth Dam Seepage Control, SCS Experience
The U. S. Department of Agriculture's Soil Conservation Service (SCS) designs and administers construction of a large number of small- or medium-sized dams. SCS experience...

Abutment Seepage at Smithville Dam
After initial filling there was concern for the stability of Smithville Dam when higher than anticipated piezometric levels were experienced in the left abutment foundation. Concern heightened...

Seepage Control at Cochiti Dam, New Mexico
Significant design data, design assumptions and computations, and performance of the seepage control features provided at Cochiti Dam are summarized in this paper. The dam is a rolled...

Hydraulic Fracturing in Embankment Dams
There is now sufficient evidence to conclude that concentrated leaks occur commonly through the impervious sections of embankment dams by hydraulic fracturing without being observed, even...

Soldier Creek Dam Foundation Drainage
A possible mode of failure for Teton Dam, piping of erodible core material through unsealed foundation joints, was also concluded as being possible at Soldier Creek Dam, Utah. Evaluations...

The Use and Performance of Seepage Reduction Measures
The utilization and performance of various foundation seepage reduction measures from over 100 dams situated on pervious soils throughout the world has been reviewed. Summary discussions...

Designing and Monitoring for Seepage at Calamus Dam
Given the complex, pervious nature of the foundation for Calamus Dam, every effort has been made to incorporate design features that will reduce and control the anticipated large volumes...

Seepage in the Unsaturated Zone: A Review
This paper briefly reviews the procedures whereby the seepage rate, depth of penetration of nonreactive pollutants, and the depth of the wetting front can be calculated when the assumption...

A Case History of Leakage from a Surface Impoundment
A manufacturing company constructed a 48-acre (19 hectare), unlined surface impoundment at a site in northern Texas to store wastewater. The site is underlain by unsaturated, alluvial...

Assessing Seepage at Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites
This paper presents a conceptual framework for estimating the concentration of organic contaminants in a groundwater plume over time. The basis of this framework is the application of...

Water Balance Approach to Prediction of Seepage from Mine Tailings Impoundments, Part I: General Water Balance Approach
The prediction of seepage from a tailings impoundment requires careful evaluation because the predictions can have significant economic impact upon designs, as well as permit stipulations...

Water Balance Approach to Prediction of Seepage From Mine Tailings Impoundments, Part II: Theoretical Aspects of Water Balance Approach to Seepage Modeling and Detailed Case History Results
Some of the most significant volumes and rates of interstitial tailings water discharge generally occurs during the initial portions of the primary consolidation process. During primary...

Containment of Textile Waste Using a Geomembrane
A wastewater treatment plant for a textile mill incorporated two 2. 7 million gallon aeration ponds which had originally been lined with clay. The clay liner leaked and caused the formation...

Seepage Control for Embankment Dams USBR Practice
The current Bureau of Reclamation approach to seepage assessment, analysis, and design for embankment dams is described. The advantages and appropriate applications for the analysis programs...

Permanence of Chemically Grouted Sands
Test specimens were prepared with one of three uniformly graded sands of a fine gravel and injected with one of five silicate or two polyacrylic grouts. The polyacrylic grouts showed no...





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