Design Load Combination Factors
This paper reviews alternative load combination formats for ultimate limit states in codified structural design. The need for explicit consideration of load-time variations and random...

Design Considerations for Wind Loadings
The application of reliability concepts to the treatment of wind loadings on structures has increased in the past several years. Advances have been made in assessing the various uncertainties...

Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Critical Facilities
Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) for seismic events is currently being performed for nuclear power plants. The background on seismic PRA is presented along with a basic description...

Bridge Inspection by Dynamic Loading Technique
This paper describes, a case study of the evaluation of the structural integrity of a New York State Thruway bridge using the dynamic loading technique. The study was undertaken in a effort...

Use of Rayleigh Waves in Liquefaction Studies
The Spectral-Analysis-of-Surface-Waves method is a new seismic method for efficient determination of shear wave velocity in situ. Vertical impacts applied to the ground surface are used...

Computer-Aided Studies of Complex Soil Moduli
Low-cost microcomputers and new electronic components make it possible to measure accurately the phase and amplitude of mechanical waves in the frequency domain at a small fraction of...

Seismic CPT to Measure In-Situ Shear Wave Velocity
A new test, called the seismic cone penetration test (SCPT) is described. A small rugged velocity seismometer has been incorporated into an electronic cone penetrometer. The combination...

Seismic Analysis of Horse Creek Dam, Hudson, Colorado
On April 8, 1981, six days after a Richter magnitude 4. 0 earthquake, inspectors from the Colorado State Engineer's Office discovered a small crack in outboard side of Horse...

Relationships between Shear Wave Velocity and Depth of Overburden
Relationships between in-situ shear wave velocity and depth of overburden have been derived for various Quaternary age soils encountered primarily in Southern California. The geotechnical...

Arctic Foundation Selection: A Decision Matrix
An idealized matrix diagram is presented of the decision making process involved in determing an economic Arctic foundation type that is best suited to the proposed above-grade structure....

Standards for Pile Load Tests in Permafrost
A requirement exists to establish standard procedures for conducting pile load tests in permanently frozen soils. The methods outlined in the ASTM Standards for piles in thawed soils do...

Attenuating Creep of Piles in Frozen Soils
Results of several long-term creep tests of piles in frozen soils are analyzed; the primary or attenuating creep is predominant in most cases. For effective design of pile foundations...

Creep of a Strip Footing on Ice-Rich Permafrost
Creep settlement tests were performed on a strip footing founded on the surface of ice-rich aeolian silt permafrost. The tests consisted of applying four step loadings to a 10 in. (25....

Snow Effects on Pile Design Temperatures
The construction of North Slope aboveground pipelines and gathering lines is generally from snow workpads constructed proximate to existing access roadways. The pile support centerline...

Transit Operations Input to Project Planning and Design
The rationale for most public transportation projects is a requirement imposed on the operating agency by an existing or expected service demand. These expected operations may be intended...

Aesthetics of High-Rise Building Structures
The structural aesthetics of high-rise buildings is discussed, with particular emphasis on building frames, individual members and on joints and connections. Examples are given of towers...

Effects of Scale on Tall Buildings
The laws of scale in relation to structures are explored within an historic, as well as an aesthetic context. Particular emphasis is placed on the development of structural systems for...

Aesthetics and Design of Prestressed High-Rise Buildings
This paper will address the aesthetics, economic and construction-related advantages of prestressed concrete for high-rise buildings, with an emphasis on the South-East Asia region. While...

Structural Expression in Tall and Super Tall Buildings
The economic and social pressures that have pushed skyscrapers higher above our cities have also brought forth new structural systems for tall buildings. As this trend is expected to continue...

Bentonitic Slurry in Constructing Drilled Piers
Bentonitic slurry is employed extensively in the construction of drilled shafts. While serious problems can occur, evidence is presented to show that the proper use of slurry will lead...





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