Solutions for Pavement Rehabilitation Problems
Preservation of our nation's highways is the goal of highway civil engineers in the decades to come. The public travels on pavements and this important part of the system...
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1985
Structures Congress '86
Abstract only. Abstract from a collection of papers presented at Structures Congress '86, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, September 15-18, 1986....
Experimental Assessment of Performance of Bridges
Among the papers in this book, five assessed the global bridge behavior and the three concentrated on bridge decks. The bridges assessed include prestressed steel plate girder and truss...
ASCE Annual Combined Index 1985
The 1985 ASCE Annual Combined Index provides a guide to materials appearing in publications of ASCE published during 1985. This includes papers and technical notes from ASCE technical...
Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age
The theme of the 1985 ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference is ?Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age.? The goal of this conference is to demonstrate innovative hydraulic...
National Urban Transportation Planning Trends and Implications
This paper explores urban transportation planning, program, and policy trends of the 1980s. Legislative and regulatory changes are also addressed. Among the planning trends discussed are...
Issues and Challenges in Transit Performance Research
Using performance indicators as a management tool in the transit industry is a developing art. Three theoretical issues have deterred progress: disagreement over definitions of efficiency...
Managing the Highway System
There is a general feeling that increased emphasis on highway management is a promising approach to dealing with a series of apparent issues and trends: The inflating costs of substantial...
Microcomputers and Transportation: A Look Forward
Technical development in the microcomputer industry continues to accelerate. In the next few years changes in hardware and software will occur which will be at least as dramatic as those...
Parking Efficiency Through Shared Parking Concepts
Due to continuing demand for concentrated parking supply in our urban areas, developers and public agencies must devote a significant amount of their resources and energies to providing...
Bus Maintenance Cost Control
Effective bus maintenance programs are essential for the cost-effective provision of reliable transit service. Standard tools for maintenance management include preventative maintenance...
Design and Evaluation of Small City Transit Options
Innovation in the delivery of transit service in smaller urban areas is no easy task. Budgetary matters tend to dominate the decision horizons of local transit officials. Coming up with...
Development of the Houston Transitway System
The degradation of mobility in Houston, Texas has progressed to the critical stage. Future growth and the economic viability of the metropolitan region is in serious jeopardy unless major...
Diagnostics for Improving Transit Performance
Scarce financial resources challenge every level of government to operate as efficiently as possible while delivering services that are effective. This is particularly true of transit...
How to Use a Transit Consumer Information System
This paper reports the results of an effort to implement a consumer information system in a small urban area. The system was designed to periodically report the travel patterns and viewpoints...
Performance Analyses and Design for Urban Bus Transit
This paper describes a Management approach to Bus Transit Systems based on the treatment of Demand, Supply and Policy. The procedure described is currently supported by a series of interactive...
Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Transit Operation
This paper discusses the use of a Performance Evaluation Model in evaluating the effect of short term policy changes including fares, service frequencies, route coverage, and route alignment....
Institutional Barriers to Private Financing
This paper examines the general question of institutional barriers at federal, state and local levels of government to private participation and financing in urban transportation. He reports...
Transit Agency Use of Computer Paratransit
Several transit agencies in the U. S. have developed commuter paratransit services - subscription bus, vanpools, and carpools - as a means of pursuing the objective of more cost-effective...
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