Mechanization Speeds Limestone Production
The Dravo Lime Company's limestone mine and processing facility was nominated for an Outstanding Civil Engineering Award because it is a well-planned and executed construction...

Reliable Structural Weldments for Critical Service
Fracture control plans are considered in light of weldment rather than base material alone. Data are presented on the probability of base materials (i.e., plate) having adequate toughness...

NYC's Plan to Meet the Water Quality Challenge
Most parts of New York City's waterways do not meet state standards. Combined sewer overflows cause the discharge of raw sewage. The City's ancient sewer system...

Dynamic Planning for Environmental Quality in the 1980's
Proceedings of the Urban Planning and Development Division Specialty Conference, held at the Sheraton Anaheim Hotel, Anaheim, California, July 25-27, 1977. Sponsored by the Urban Planning...

Management of Engineering of Control Systems for Water Pipelines
This report should be considered as an aide to the practicing engineer as a check list of items to be considered in the management of the engineering of control systems for water pipelines...

National Conference on Environmental Engineering
Research Development and Design
Proceedings of the Environmental Engineering Division Specialty Conference held in Radisson Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri, July 10-12, 1978. Sponsored by the Environmental Engineering...

EPA's New Construction Operations Review Program
Experienced construction engineers from EPA's Headquarters are now visiting numerous sewage treatment construction sites to review the quality of work being done. Behind the...

An Experience in Standardization of Nuclear Power Plants
This article outlines successful efforts at design of five standardized nuclear units, in four different states in the U.S.A., for a group of five utilities. The Standard Power Block,...

Are Cities Doing Enough to Remove Cancer-Causing Chemicals From Drinking Water�
Is drinking water with its more than 300 organic chemicals present in trace quantities, a cause of cancer? Are there technically and economically feasible ways to remove these chemicals?...

A Critical Appraisal of Some Proposed Changes to the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act
The amendments that will ultimately be made to the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act (PL 92-500), now being discussed by Congress, will be influenced by a number of things happening in...

A Look at Newer Methods for Dewatering Wastewater Sludges
The U.S. water cleanup effort is resulting in the production of huge quantities of additional sludge. Because of the difficulty of disposing of this sludge, it is usually dewatered. Although...

Automatic Surveying � Updating Canada's Control
With Litton's Auto-Surveyor system you can perform third-order surveys driving at highway speeds or flying in a helicopter. With proper planning...

College Admissions for Engineering and Technology
College admissions in general, and entry into programs of engineering and technology have always been less than fully understood processes. By considering the process from the students'...

Three Towns: Three Different Solutions to Stormwater Control
That an engineer is a creative solver of people-problems was shown in Kentucky, where a consultant designed stormwater control systems in three towns�� and came up with three different...

Controlling Runoff from Construction Sites
In recent years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a number of states have been placing increased emphasis on controlling erosion and sediment-laden runoff from construction...

Evolution of 208 Water-Quality Planning
In writing the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act Amendments, Congress realized water pollution from non-point sources was a serious problem and would be difficult for the federal government...

208: A Process for Water Quality Management
The Section 208 program is the key to the continuous management of the nation's water pollution clean-up efforts. In the past, regional approaches to water pollution abatement...

Diary of a Sick Control System
A fictional account of the diary of Joe Civil, an engineer involved with a new computer control system for a 33 mile water pipeline. The diary relates many mishaps and ends with the note...

US Water Cleanup Program Speeds Up�But Still Much Red Tape
Since Congress enacted the Federal Pollution Control Amendments (P.L. 92-500) in 1972, little progress has been made in cleaning up the nation's waters. In fact, public dollars...

Will Industry Meet Water-Quality Goals�
What impact will the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (PL 92-500) have on American industry? Able to cope with 1977 requirement to install best practicable technology (BPT)?...





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