Low Cost Wave Measurement Program
This paper addresses some problems related to a wave measurement program in the coast emphasizing costs, environmental hazards and technological problems. Subjects covered include coastal...

Fouling and Wood-Boring Communities Distribution on the Coast of Rio De Janeiro
The paper reports on a study of the dynamics of fouling communities and the distribution of wood-boring organisms along the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which was motivated by the...

The Coastline Between Rio De Janeiro and Cabo Frio
The coastline between Rio de Janeiro and Cabo Frio is characterized by successive long beach arcs, oriented in the East-West direction. The beaches are separated by rocky headlands resulting...

The CADD Landfill
Designing landfills with CADD, engineers have reduced cut and fill calculations from two weeks to two days. Aerial surveys arrive on magnetic tapes and are loaded into computers by in-house...

Managing a Megaproject
The tunnel beneath the English Channel is an unusual construction project because of the private sector financing of infrastructure as well as the price, $9 billion, and the international...

Selected Papers from Chinese Journals of Structural Engineering
This book is an initial effort to introduce selected papers from journals published by the China Civil Engineering Society to ASCE membership. The twenty papers in this volume were selected...

Steel Structures
The seventy-eight papers included in this volume cover the fifteen sessions generally associated with steel structures presented at the Seventh Annual Structures Congress held on May 1-5,...

Structural Design, Analysis and Testing
This volume contains the papers presented in 21 sessions of the 1989 Structures Congress held in San Francisco. The papers cover a wide range of topics including types of construction...

POU/POE Devices: Availability, Performance, and Cost
In order to gather and summarize information and data on point of use/point of entry (POU/POE) devices, a committee was established by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American...

Importance of Aeration Basin Detention Time in the Activated Sludge Process
Aeration basin detention time is a key design parameter for an activated sludge system at a wastewater treatment plant. The impacts of reducing the aeration time is illustrated by a case...

Optimizing the Activated Sludge Process by Encouraging Futile Cycling
A study was conducted to demonstrate that cell yield in activated sludge processes can be decreased without increasing oxygen consumption by applying operating conditions that encourage...

Full-Scale Evaluation of Filter Influent Chlorination and Ozonation
Ozone and chlorine applied ahead of pressure filters are compared to determine the effect of the chemical addition on the pressure differential across the filter bed. The study was significant...

Radon Resistant New Construction Practices
This paper highlights the basic principles for building radon-resistant houses and it groups the construction techniques into four categories, i.e., the barrier approach, soil ventilation...

Pressure Differences Affecting Radon Entry in New Residential Construction
Various conditions in a house can commonly produce house negative pressures up to 20 Pascals relative to the soil gas pressure. Depressurization of the house relative to the soil gas will...

Cost of Radon Control Measures in New Construction
Installation of a radon prevention system in new construction increases costs to builders and to homebuyers as well. Builders and/or their engineers will need to assess different approaches...

The Evolution of Sludge Thickening Practice
An analysis of contemporary thickening practice is presented with a brief review of the genesis of each type of thickening. A summary of thickening capital and operating costs for three...

Improved Centrifuge Designs for High Cake Solids
The new generation of advanced centrifuges pioneered by Humboldt Wedag can readily produce 30 ? 2% TS cake on most raw and digested primary and waste activated sludge, wherein the primary...

Proposal for Combining Expert Systems and Canal Design
Expert Systems can be combined with a computer aided design methodology to develop a cost effective canal system. The System should consider a feasible set of design alternatives to satisfy...

Economic Impacts of Storm Sewer Design Criteria
This paper discusses the selection of storm sewer design criteria and the resulting economic impacts. Using the Rational Method for calculating design flows, an investigation was made...

Flood Impact and Management of Levees in Tennessee
The construction of private levees is causing flooding and erosion problems along several tributary rivers in West Tennessee. The severity of these problems is recognized by the State...





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