The Advantages of E & M Systems Procurement
Fifteen years of experience, observations and lessons gained by two of the leading turnkey contractors in the transit and large people mover market have led to the following conclusion:...

Implications of ISTEA on the Implementation of APMs
The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991, approved 372-47 in the House and 79-8 in the Senate, is a landmark legislation in the area of transportation. Through...

Engineering Hydrology
This proceedings, Engineering Hydrology, contains papers that were presented at the Symposium held in San Francisco, California, July 25-30,...

High Speed Ground Transportation Systems I
Planning and Engineering
This proceedings,High Speed Ground Transportation Systems I: Planning and Engineering, consists of 74 papers presented at the ASCE's...

Hydraulic Engineering
This proceedings, Hydraulic Engineering, contains papers presented at the 1993 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering held in San Francisco,...

Planning and Management
This proceedings, Infrastructure Planning and Management, consists of papers presented at two parallel conferences held in Denver, Colorado,...

Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems
Integrated Perspectives
This proceedings, Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems: Integrated Perspectives, consists of 156 papers presented at the 1993 ASCE...

Microcomputers in Transportation
Microcomputers continue to revolutionize the productivity and creativity of transportation professionals leading to improvements in transportation planning, design, and management processes....

Pacific Rim TransTech Conference
Volume I: Advanced Technologies
This proceedings, Pacific Rim TransTech Conference-Volume 1: Advanced Technologies, consists of papers presented at the conference held in...

Pacific Rim TransTech Conference?Volume II
International Ties, Management Systems, Propulsion Technology, Strategic Highway Research Program
This proceedings, Pacific Rim TransTech Conference Vo. II, consists of papers presented at an ASCE Conference held in Seattle, Washington,...

GIS and Storm-Water Management
Developing and implementing a municipal storm-water management program under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) presents a textbook example of how the abilities...

Hassle-Free Bridge Rehab
Engineers involved in Cleveland's Main Bridge rehab invoked whatever was necessary to keep area traffic moving and the bridge closure period to a minimum. They helped change...

Traversing the Terminals
When it opens this December, the Denver International airport will rely on an $89 million automated-people-mover, (APM) system as the primary means of transporting passengers between the...

In Search of Better Load Ratings
Typically, engineers must make a number of subjective assumptions regarding loading and response behavior when they develop a load rating for civil structures. As a result, many unknowns...

Speedy Backfilling for Old Mines
In November 1992, the U.S. Bureau of Mines, in cooperation with the Office of Surface Mining (OSM), used two recently-developed pneumatic backfilling devices to completely fill an abandoned...

Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete in Japan and US: Introduction and Overview
The finite element method of analysis now provides the engineer with the capability to analyze very complex structural systems in a much more realistic manner including geometry and support...

HUD Concerns: Post-Tensioned Foundations in Texas
An investigation was conducted of post-tensioned slab foundation systems in Texas pursuant to a request from the Headquarters Office's of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development...

Performance of Horizontal and Vertical Barriers
Horizontal and vertical barriers have been used on transportation facilities to control expansive soils and minimize their damages. The effort is to minimize moisture change in the soil...

Can the U.S. Compete?
Though some American firms, particularly those providing turnkey delivery systems, are very competitive abroad, as a rule U.S. engineering and construction firms face daunting obstacles...

Automated People Movers IV
This proceedings, Automated People Movers IV, includes 72 papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Automated People Movers...





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