Case Studies of Applied Advanced Data Collection and Management
Sponsored by the Committee on Advanced Data Collection and Management Systems of ASCE. This casebook offers examples of civil engineering practices...
The Planning and Engineering Interface with a Modernized Land Data System
Concern for the modernization of our land records and land resources information systems has been evolving since the early 1960's. Geographic location is the common denominator linking...
Improved Hydrologic Forecasting
Why and How
This conference was structured to achieve several purposes. High on the list was to share lessons that were learned during the drought of 1976 and 1977 with practicing hydrologists. During...
Fracture in Concrete
Proceedings of a session at the ASCE National Convention held in Hollywood, Florida, October 27-31, 1980. Sponsored by the Committee on Properties of Materials of the ASCE Engineering...
Evaluation and Prediction of Subsidence
Proceedings of the International Conference on Evaluation and Prediction of Subsidence held at Casino Hotel, Pensacola Beach, Florida, January 1978. Sponsored by the American Society of...
Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
The Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics is the tenth in a series of Specialty Conferences sponsored by the ASCE Geotechnical Division (formerly the Soil Mechanics and...
TVA Cuts Deep Slot in Dam, Ends Cracking Problem
In 1972, cracking in the concrete dam at TVA's Fontana project embarked TVA on a four-year program of investigation, analysis and repair. Thermal expansion in the downstream...
Trench Cave-In: Contractor's Responsibility
The article Can Trench Cave-In Deaths Be Cut� in CIVIL ENGINEERING�ASCE, September 1977, states that the owner's engineer should accept responsibility for the design of temporary...
Aerated-Pile Composting: A Promising New Alternative for Sewage Sludge Disposal
In the past several years, traditional methods of sludge disposal such as incineration and ocean dumping have come under fire from environmental groups and the EPA. This has sparked a...
Single Additive for Recycling Asphalt Pavements
A design concept for recycling deteriorated asphalt pavements using a single reclaiming agent has been developed. The article established guidelines to help engineers determine the physical...
Geotechnical Practice for Disposal of Solid Waste Materials
The papers for this conference are grouped under the themes of four of the general sessions: 1) Geotechnical properties affecting disposal and utilization; 2) utilization in dams, embankments,...
Pitfalls of Overconservatism in Geotechnical Engineering
The article cites at least three reasons why geotechnical engineers may be overconservative: (1) They may try to satisfy unreasonable standards established by themselves or others; (2)...
Mammoth Transshipment Terminal Links Montana Coal to Michigan Power Plant
In 1973 Detroit Edison contracted with the Decker Coal Company for 200 million tons (181 Tg) of Western low-sulphur coal over a period of 26 years to meet its requirement for low-cost,...
Terrain Analysis for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline
Airphoto interpretation and field reconnaissance were combined with a computer-based data bank to evaluate the diverse terrain conditions along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline because acquisition...
Our Grand Erie Canal: A Splendid Project, A Little Short of Madness
As the first major water project in the United States, the old Erie Canal had major consequences on the economy and on civil engineering. Built in 1817-1825 to take advantage of the lowest...
Award-Winning ASCE Papers in Geotechnical Engineering 1950-1959
Papers, Discussions, and Closures from ASCE Proceedings and Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division
This collection of papers covers a broad range of relevant issues in geotechnical engineering. Topics include capillary phenomena in cohesive soils, final foundation treatment at Hoover...
The extraordinary genius of Arthur E. Morgan
He saw himself as lamentably ordinary and sought to make his mark in some socially significant way. Early in the century he engineered the Miami Conservancy District-the first flood control...
Sediment Runoff During Highway Construction
Hydrologic data have been collected from several small streams below a highway construction project. The data have been gathered to determine the magnitude of the highway construction-sediment...
Water Harvesting�� Modern Application of an Ancient Method
Water harvesting�The process of collecting natural precipitation from prepared watersheds for beneficial use was the topic of a 3-day symposium held in Phoenix, Arizona, in March 1974....
Washington, D.C. Mall Tunnel
The 4,002 ft (1220 m) cut and cover tunnel crossing the Mall just west of the U.S. Capitol created some unusual construction and design problems. Three areas warrant special mention. These...
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