Lunar Resource Base
A lunar base that exploits local resources to enhance the productivity of a total SEI scenario is discussed. The goals were to emphasize lunar science and to land men on Mars in 2016 using...

On-Orbit Chipless Cutting and Tube Welding in Space Station Freedom
Micro-gravity and strict environmental constraints of the laboratory, Habitation and other manned structures which comprise Space Station Freedom demand investigation into innovative processes...

Transient Analysis of Flexible Space Structures
A new approach for numerical analysis of flexible space frames subjected to impact forces is presented. The method is particularly effective in the analysis of large amplitude vibration...

Structural Design of the GN&C Navigation Base for the Space Station Freedom
The Space Station Freedom (SSF) pointing accuracy budget requires that the Guidance, Navigation and Control hardware maintain alignment within ? 0.1 degrees of arc. The ring laser gyros...

A Novel Aerobrake Design for a Mars Lander
A flexible/inflatable aerobrake is proposed for delivering small payloads to Mars as an alternative to propulsion landing. Some results that demonstrate feasibility are presented....

Structural Considerations in the Design of a Mars Mission Aerobrake
A new area of civil engineering is emerging. This area will provide structures for outposts on the moon, resource development and exploration of Space. Spacecraft traveling at very high...

Response of Space Structures Under Sudden Local Damage
Damages to space structures can come from such adverse events as impact by foreign objects, docking, drastic temperature changes, and exposure to radiation and charged particles. This...

Structural Studies of Two Aerobrake Heatshield Panel Concepts
Structural sizing and performance data are presented for two different aerobrake hexagonal heatshield panel structural concepts. One concept features a sandwich construction with an aluminum...

Modeling and Analysis of Doubly Curved Aerobrake Truss Structures
Recent studies have indicated that vehicles designed for a piloted mission to Mars may have their initial Earth Orbit mass reduced by nearly a factor of two if aerobraking is used rather...

The Affordable Space Platform: The STS External Tank
Future development of space requires establishing affordable work platforms in orbit. This paper surveys possible uses of the Space Transportation System's External Tank (ET) to provide...

Impact Craters on Cosmic Dust: Do Damage to the Spacecraft
The discovery and study of impact crater on cosmic dust to understand the overall micrometeoroid environment and space engineering requirement are important. In this paper, we attempt...

Evolution of the Space Station Freedom Module Pattern
The Space Station Freedom (SSF) is being designed to serve as a permanently manned platform in space to accommodate a growing amount of supported scientific research and, ultimately, to...

On-Orbit Assembly of Large Space Structures: A Mars Aerobrake Mock-up Study
As design requirements for space structures become larger in dimension, the issues of shipping and assembling these structures in space become more critical. One example of such a structure...

Structural Design Methodology of Large Space Structures
This paper discusses considerations and outlines a methodology for structural design of large space structures (LSS) deployed in low earth orbit. It includes definition of mission requirements,...

A Methodology for Development of Spaced-Based Assembly Operations
Designing and constructing a large space-based science facility requires the integration of constraints and design variables with assembly operations. Development of such a facility requires...

Design Criteria for an Underground Lunar Mine
Underground excavation and construction techniques have been well developed terrestrially and provide an attractive option for lunar mining and habitat construction. The lunar mine, processing...

Sintering of Lunar Glass and Basalt
Sintering of the regolith has been proposed as a method for producing construction materials from local resources at a lunar base. Applications for lunar 'bricks' include road beds, foundations,...

Strength and Fracture of Glass in the Lunar Environment
Due to the lack of water on the moon, the effects of hydrolytic depolymerization - stress corrosion cracking - will be nonexistent in glasses produced and used on the moon. This would...

Mechanical Properties of Compacted Lunar Simulant Using New Vacuum Triaxial Equipment
Mechanical stress-strain-strength properties of Arizona Lunar Simulant (ALS) are investigated by using a newly developed vacuum triaxial device that allows compaction under different initial...

Explosive Forming of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys
This paper proposes the use of explosive forming to form large, near net shape components for HLLV propellant tanks and structures in meeting this need. Combining with high strength to...





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