Advances in Ground Operations for the Next Generation Space Launch Vehicle Programs
For over thirty years, large launch vehicles such as Saturn, Delta, Atlas, and Titan have successfully provided the world with access to space. The emphasis of each of those programs was...

Architectures for Mission Control at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
One of the most vital, but often overlooked, research areas for space missions is flight operations. The imbalance is caused by many factors. Among them, the manner in which space missions...

Extraction of Potable Water from Urine for Space Applications
A regenerative technology capable of managing water and wastewater on-board long-term manned space platforms is essential if the Bush Administration's Space Exploration Initiative (SEI)...

Space Station & Lunar/Mars Life Support Research
The first part of this paper will report on the tests now being conducted by the Environmental Control and Life Suport Systems (ECLSS) at Marshall Space Flight Center. The findings of...

Pressure Suit Requirements for Moon and Mars EVA's
In this paper, we examine the influence of pressure suit and backpack designs on astronaut productivity and on the frequency with which EVA's can be conducted during lunar base operations...

Utilization of On-Site Resources for Regenerative Life Support Systems at a Lunar Outpost
Regenerative Life Support Systems (RLSS) will be required to regenerate air, water, and wastes, and to produce food for human consumption during long-duration stays on the Moon. It may...

Lunar Base Pressure, O2 Fraction, and ExtraHabitat Activity Suit Design
A major dilemma exists in determining optimum habitat and ExtraHabitat Activity (EHA) suit pressures for future space missions, balancing human safety requirements and the case of EHA...

Medical Care on the Moon
Eventually, people will return to the Moon to stay for prolonged periods of time. When they do, they will be exposed to a wide range of threats to their health including, decompression...

Artificial Gravity Augmentation on the Moon and Mars
Extended visits to the moon and Mars will require a base on the surface. Exploration of small planetary neighbors will depend upon the development of a life support system that prevents...

Regenerative Life Support Technology Challenges for the Space Exploration Initiative
Regenerative life support systems have been identified as one of the critical enabling technologies for future human exploration of space. This discipline encompasses processes and subsystems...

LIAC: A Closed Ecosystem Research Facility
A preliminary design for a closed research facility capable of supporting multispecies and ecosystem level experiments is presented. This project will support NASA's Controlled Ecological...

An Integrated Human/Plant Metabolic Mass Balance Model
The design and development of Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS) in support of future Lunar and Martian bases requires analytical models for evaluating human and biological...

Thermal Investigation of a Large Lunar Telescope
Recent interest in construction of a large telescope on the Lunar surface (Nein and Davis, 1991; Bely, Burrows, and Illingworth, 1989) has prompted this feasibility study of a thermal...

Concept for a Lunar Array for Very Low Frequency Radio Astronomy
We discuss the design considerations relevant to a very low frequency array, to be deployed on the lunar near side during an early expedition. Such an array would operate in the frequency...

Laboratory Evaluation of Footings for Lunar Telescopes
Presented here are the results of laboratory experiments with different footing shapes for lunar telescopes. These experiments used a variety of soils including some to simulate regolith...

Design of a Support and Foundation for a Large Lunar Optical Telescope
NASA is considering a large lunar telescope [LLT] and a smaller diameter precursor telescope experiment on the Moon. The preliminary design of the 16-meter optical aperture is being performed...

Systems Integration of Lunar Campsite Vehicles
This paper describes the configuration design and subsystems integration resolution for lunar Campsite vehicles and the crew vehicles (CVs) which support them. Briefly stated, this concept...

A Systems Approach to Water Recycling Research
Because of the cost of Earth resupply, water recycling from wastewater is a critical enabling technology for long duration space missions. The need and the fact that water quality is not...

A Vision for Planetary Exploration
The Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) is the latest in a series of endeavors which represent humankind's desire to expand its knowledge and sphere of influence. Throughout recorded history,...

The German Participation in the Soviet MARS 94/96 Mission
The German contribution to the science program of the Soviet MARS 94/96 missions includes 14 experiments or experiment, participations to be placed on the various mission elements: the...





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