Computerized Operation of California State Water Project
Hydraulic and electrical schedules for the California State Water Project are determined and dispatched from the Project Operation Control Center (POCC) in Sacramento. The dispatched schedules...

Automated Data Collection for Reservoir Regulation
Various regulation changes in the Lake Winnebago basin have been proposed regarding the protection of wetlands and assurance of adequate outflows for water quality. To implement these...

Optimal Operation of a System of Lakes for Quality and Quantity
A methodology is presented combining simulation and optimization techniques for determining operation strategies for a system of lakes in the presence of quality and quantity constraints....

Modeling Water Resources Systems for Water Quality
A reservoir system analysis computer model has been recently developed with the capability to simulate up to 10 reservoirs, 30 control points and 8 water quality parameters. With this...

Real-Time Reservoir Operations by Quadratic Programming
A quadratic programming model is developed for real-time reservoir operations. It is assumed that convex penalty functions that relates the deviations of storage levels and downstream...

EPA Supported Wasteload Allocation Models
Modeling is increasingly becoming a part of the Wasteload Allocation Process. The US EPA provides guidance, technical training and computer software in support of this program. This paper...

Future Trends in Software Development
The Office of Water (OW) has set program goals of improving the productivity and technical quality of wasteload allocation modeling and water quality-based permitting in the States and...

Tampa Bay 205J Water Quality Impact Study
Tampa Bay was identified by the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (FDER) as to the top priority for an impact study using federal 205(j) grant funding. The study...

Deterministic and Statistical Water Quality Modeling
An integrated methodology is presented, based on a hierarchical package of computer models ranging from simple micro-computer programs to more complex mainframe simulation, to address...

Water Quality Modeling of Key Largo Coral Reef
A numerical model called CORALSIM has been developed for the Key Largo Coral Reef National Marine Sanctuary in the Florida Keys. The model was developed as a management tool to study the...

The Water Resources Models of the Instream Flow Group
The Instream Flow Group of the US Fish and Wildlife Service has five analytical systems designed to assist in the development of instream flow criteria for water resources projects. Models...

A Post-Audit of the Potomac Eutrophication Model
An unusual, unexpected, and unpredicted event - the Potomac Algae Bloom of 1983 - prompted a post-audit examination of the primary tool being used for guiding the continuing development...

Regional Target Level Modification for Groundwater Quality
A procedure for modifying an optimal regional potentiometric surface designed solely on the basis of quantitative considerations, is described. These modifications are based on quality...

Characterization of Indoor Carbon Monoxide Levels Produced by the Automobile
Integrated air samples were obtained at seven small and six large service stations and two dealerships. These establishments were sampled during cold and warm weather operations for eight...

Building Assessment Techniques for Indoor Air Quality Evaluations
Techniques for indoor air quality evaluations are presented and discussed. The techniques presented first focus on procedures to determine effective ventilation rates and pathways of air...

Indoor Air Quality Simulations with the Mass Balance Model
Recent studies relate energy conservation measures, specifically to reduction of the air exchange rate of residences, with potential adverse health effects due to human exposure to increased...

Nitrate Analysis Utilizing Groundwater Modeling
Groundwater is the sole source of potable water for the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to maintain the overall quality within acceptable drinking...

Ground Water Quality Assessment Using Unsaturated and Saturated Zone Models
The modeling work described here provides an assessment of the migration and fate of the pesticide aldicarb in typical Florida citrus applications with emphasis on the potential for leaching...

A Case Study of Ground Water Quality Protection in California
Incidents of ground water contamination from improper disposal of industrial wastewater have been widespread throughout California. In late 1984 the State Water Resources Control Board...

Computer Control of Lift Station Operations
A unique computerized control system to supervise the operation of several lift stations has been designed by Boyle Engineering Corporation (Boyle) and constructed by the City of Orlando,...





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