Differentiation of Debris-Flow and Flash-Flood Deposits: Implications for Paleoflood Investigations
Debris flows and flash floods are common geomorphic processes in the Colorado Rocky Mountain Front Range and foothills. Usually, debris flows and flash floods are associated with excess...

Time-Dependent Landslide Probability Mapping
Case studies where time of failure is known for rainfall-triggered debris flows can be used to estimate the parameters of a hazard model in which the probability of failure is a function...

Operation of a Real-Time Warning System for Debris Flows in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Weather Service (NWS) have developed an operational warning system for debris flows during severe rainstorms in the San Francisco...

Structural and Non-Structural Debris-Flow Countermeasures
Debris-flow can potentially occur for almost any torrents whose gradient is steeper than a given critical value and the frequency at which the debris-flow occurs depends on geological...

Assessing the True Value of Flood Control Reservoirs: The Experience of Folsom Dam in the February 1986 Flood
Over the last 40 years considerable public investments have been made in large flood control storage reservoirs throughout the U.S. and internationally. These projects were typically designed...

TRIM?3D: A Three-Dimensional Model for Accurate Simulation of Shallow Water Flow
A semi-implicit finite difference formulation for the numerical solution of three-dimensional tidal circulation is discussed. The governing equations are the three-dimensional Reynolds...

Integrated Planning Analysis for an Aggregate Mine
Planning and design work of an aggregate mining facility within the Sutter Bypass, a key component of California's flood control system, is being performed by multidisciplinary team of...

2-D Vertical and 3-D Modelling of Mud Transport in Tidal Flows
Model predictions of a fully three-dimensional sediment transport model are presented for two tidal flow variation cases. A simplified two-dimensional form of the model is applied to demonstrate...

Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling for Transport Studies
Modeling three-dimensional transport of salinity and sediments in estuarine flows requires that hydrodynamics be accurately modeled with sufficient precision to describe the advection...

Shifts in Solute Transport Direction Induced by Transient Flow
Traditionally, solute transport projections have focussed on the long-term, steady state conditions expected to prevail in a groundwater system. However, transient effects may often dominate...

Modeled Hydraulic and Salt Transport Patterns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Modeled hydraulic and salt transport patterns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta have been summarized as the basis for detailed environmental assessment of proposed water management projects...

Structure of Coastal Upwelling on a Sloping Bottom
A large eddy simulation of coastal upwelling on a sloping bottom is carried out. The structure of the upwelling consists of a persistent primary front, a temporary secondary front which...

Field Examination of a Distribution System Water Quality Model
In the aftermath of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) of 1974, numerous models have been established to assess the quality of water and simulate its deterioration in distribution systems....

The EUR Water Station in Rome?Italy
The paper deals the new steel Water Centre realized by ACEA in Rome. The Water Station is destined to manage the water consumption of around 500,000 inhabitants with an output of 3,900...

Vortex Spillway: Test Study on a Hydraulic Model
The paper deals with an experimental study on a model of the forced vortex of Eur hanging reservoir realized by ACEA (Rome). Some vortex characteristics are investigated and, in particularly,...

Optimizing Water Transfers in Urban Water Supply Planning
A number of water supply agencies in the Western United States have begun to integrate water transfers into their overall water supply planning, including the use of transferred water...

Hydraulic and Water Quality Reliability and Resiliency for Water Distribution Systems Under Random Demands
This paper develops a preliminary method to evaluate the reliability and resiliency of water distribution systems under random spatial and temporal demand patterns, including random fire...

Storm Water Regulations?Aircraft Deicer/Anti-icers Operations
In 1991, FAA has initiated a storm water program to assist airport operators in complying the EPA Storm Water NPDES regulations. The first FAA project, a survey, addresses present operational...

GIS and SWMM Applications in Developing the Lake Houston Watershed Management Program
The City of Houston has undertaken the task of developing a Watershed Management Program for the 2,828 square mile lake Houston Watershed in an effort to prevent future degradation of...

Flow Diversion in a Steep, Coarse-Bed Stream
A case study is presented of the hydraulic design of a diversion structure in a high velocity, coarse bed streamcourse. Mill Creek, a tributary to the Upper Jordan River in the southern...





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