Plans and Programming for Highway Safety to the Year 2010
Many factors have contributed to improvement in highway safety including more crashworthy vehicle design, increased usage of occupant restraints, growing public intolerance of DWI, and...
Simulation of Long Period Ground Motions for a Large New Madrid Earthquake
Ground motions for a large New Madrid earthquake are simulated to provide response spectra in the period range of 0.5-20 seconds for hard rock sites at Chicago and Atlanta. The ground...
Recognizing Liquefaction Hazard
Technique for assessing liquefaction hazard are considered herein: Methods for compiling regional opportunity maps are reviewed and a crude national map is developed. Compilation of regional...
Seismic Risk to Natural Gas and Oil Systems
This paper begins with a brief summary of significant earthquake damage to gas and oil lifeline systems during several earthquakes. Following this discussion, the objectives and major...
Seismic Reliability of Hierarchical Lifeline Systems
The problem to be considered here is the vulnerability and reliability of a functionally as well as physically hierarchical lifeline system. Most major lifeline systems have this feature;...
Mitigation of Seismic Effects on Water Systems
Historically, earthquakes have caused damage to water systems. In this paper, water system facilities at risk due to seismic activity as well as potential damage mechanisms are identified....
Seismic Damage and Retrofit of Bridges in California
Since 1971, the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) has retrofitted about 1300 bridges to improve their seismic resistance. CALTRANS has investigated 13 earthquakes since...
Sylmar HVDC Converter Station East Seismic Design
The Sylmar Converter Station East in Los Angeles receives power from the Northwest via the Pacific HVDC Intertie, a ?500 kV dc transmission line. At Sylmar, the energy is converted to...
Benefits of Highway Safety Improvement Programs
Even at the most conservative estimate of 2% annual growth in travel, the U.S. would experience almost 58,000 deaths in the year 2000 at a death rate of 2.5 per 100 million miles traveled....
Elegant Interchange for Tight Urban Spaces
The Seventh St. underpass, which opened in May of 1987, is a multilevel uban interchange crossing I-10 in the center of Phoenix, Arizona. With little right of way available, the interchange...
Model-Prototype Correlation of Hydraulic Structures
Forty-three papers are contained in these proceedings, from the International Symposium on Model-Prototype Correlation of Hydraulic Structures. The papers cover a broad range of subjects...
Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space
This book includes over 100 papers providing in-depth discussions of space policy, extraterrestrial basing, space stations and orbiting structures, and areas of special interest. Outposts...
Hydraulic Fill Structures
This volume contains 53 papers covering many aspects of hydraulic fill structures with special emphasis on geotechnical issues. The papers present an excellent review of historical development,...
The Role of Social and Behavioral Sciences in Water Resources Planning and Management
This volume contains the proceedings of the conference on The Role of the Social and Behavioral Sciences in Water Resources Planning and Management. The topics addressed include obstacles...
Guide for Design of Steel Transmission Towers
ASCE Manual 52,
Hydraulic Engineering
The papers in this book were presented at the National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, August, 1988, Colorado Springs, Colorado. The objective of this conference was to provide a...
Telling Reporters About Risk
Telling the media about environmental risk may be the least pleasant part of a decision maker's work, but it needn't be. Once you understand the media�what they...
Geosynthetics: Cleanup Tools
In addition to their use in liners and drainage systems for new landfills, geosynthetics can be used in environmental remediation projects. In an early example, contaminated muck was removed...
Zapping Hazwastes
Electromagnetic energy, applied in situ, successfully removes contaminants entrapped in soil by vaporizing them. Recent test using radio frequency have successfully removed up to 99% of...
Rehab Defies Pros, Beats Clock
Fast-tracking an overhaul of its wastewater treatment system let Columbus, Ohio escape federal penalties under the Clean Water Act. Over $200 million was invested to improve the city's...
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