Permeability of Grouts Subjected to Chemicals
This paper presents the more recent results of a testing program which evaluated the long-term resistance to percolation of grouted soils, using acrylate, urethane and cement-bentonite...

Decreasing Clay's Permeability Using Aluminum Salts
The permeabilities of montmorillonite and kaolinite clays were reduced by precipitating aluminum hydroxide in the pores of the clay. The precipitate was formed by permeating the clays...

Design of Final Covers for Landfills
Final covers or caps are incorporated into a completed landfill to limit the amount of moisture percolation through waste materials. A properly designed final cover system provides the...

Removal of Radon and Uranium from a water supply
The removal of Radon and Radium from drinking water with the help of granulated activated carbon (GAC) adsorption was investigated. A packed bed column was used for the purpose. It has...

Incinerating Dioxin Contaminated Waste at the USEPA Combustion Research Facility
The objective of the tests reported herein was to evaluate the incinerability of the toluene stillbottoms by determining whether 99. 9999% DRE could be achieved. All tests were performed...

Application of a Relative Site Ranking Methodology to Regulation of Groundwater Contamination Sites
An assessment methodology for ranking groundwater contamination sites is described. The ranking of nearly 100 actual contamination sites, and the definition and calibration of 'zones...

Remedial Measures for a Creosote Impoundment Closure
In conformance with the 1984 amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 264 requirements, Burlington Northern Railroad (BN) constructed a double high density...

Effects of Organic Compounds on the Adsorption and Desorption of Metals in Soils
This study evaluated the adsorption and release rates of toxic metals in a soil system also impacted with organic compounds. The soil type studied is common to hazardous waste sites throughout...

Reduction of Nitrogen and COD by Land Disposal of Dairy Wastewater
Land disposal of industrial wastewater, and in particular the ridge and furrow (R&F) process, has been a popular and simple treatment method for many years. This study, conducted...

Risk-Based Design of Inspection Programs for Detecting Leaky Underground Storage Tanks
A mathematical framework is developed for estimating the effectiveness of large-scale inspection programs for leaky underground storage tanks. The framework incorporates the leak likelihood...

Risk Assessment Methodology for Determining Groundwater Contamination from Landfilling Sludge
Contaminant concentration criteria are required to prevent contaminant infiltration from leading to conditions which exceed health criteria. A methodology of groundwater has been described...

Clay Liner Hydraulic Conductivity: Comparison of Field & Laboratory Tests
Clay liner hydraulic conductivities at three hazardous waste landfill cells in Oklahoma and Utah were measured in the laboratory and in the field during construction. Prior to construction...

Clay Liner/Leachate Compatibility Modeling
Over the past several years, the results of many laboratory studies assessing the effect of various combinations of organic and inorganic chemical mixtures on the hydraulic conductivity...

Models of Organics Transport Through Soil Columns
A mathematical model is proposed for the transfer of organic solutes in soil. Two cases are considered namely transport of non-adsorptive solutes and transport of adsorptive solutes. Comparative-study...

Assessment of Analytical Techniques for Monitoring Petroleum Waste Land Treatment Systems
Optimization of wastewater land treatment effectiveness requires current knowledge of the microbiological ecosystem. Environmental parameters must be measured if they are to be adjusted...

Subsidence by Rising and Fluctuating Ground Water
Present studies by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation in California indicate that under certain geologic conditions similar subsidence can also be caused by rising ground-water levels, which...

Deferred Drainage?Prudent Policy or Tactical Folly?
The practice of deferring drains has not always worked out as planned. This is particularly true of large outlet drains such as the San Luis Drain in the Central Valley of California and...

Relative Landslide Susceptibility in Davis County, Utah?A Multivariate Approach
The complex distribution of soil properties makes prediction of slope stability extremely difficult in these mountain watersheds. The need to assess these watersheds for their susceptibility...

Generalized Methodology for Simulating Mudflows
In this paper, a one-dimensional dynamic flood-routing model, for non-Newtonian fluid properties, is described and applied to two different mudflow events: Holbrook Canyon, Utah, and Mount...

A GIS to Predict Non-Point Source Pollution Potential
The non-point pollution potential of agricultural lands was analyzed using a geographic, computer based system. Bacterial pollution received special emphasis. The system accepts digitally...





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