Ft. Huachuca, AZ Fire Site Hazardous Waste Remedial Action
The paper discusses an investigation of the site of a major fire at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. All of the fire debris contained asbestos. The sampling results confirmed that PCB levels of...

Technical Evaluation of a Copper:Silver Ion Swimming Pool Disinfection Unit
The paper reports on an investigation of a mock swimming pool setup on a laboratory scale. The study used indoor and outdoor simulated swimming pools to compare the efficacy of electrolytically...

Experimental Study of Windrow Composting of Sludge
An experimental field study of the windrow composition of sludge at the City of Dallas, Texas, Southside Waste Water Treatment Plant was conducted to provide data for possible design of...

Design of Solidified/Stabilized Sludge Landfills
Rehabilitation of highly moist, compressible, and heavy metal-containing wastewater treatment sludges for final disposal in a landfill setting requires consideration of several factors....

Sediment Processes and the Houston Ship Channel
A year-long field and laboratory study of sediment oxygen demand was conducted on the Houston Ship Channel. The primary objective of the work was to better understand the processes controlling...

In Situ Measurement of Preferential Flow
An experiment was performed that quantifies the variability of flow paths in the vadoze zone. Bromide tracer and an organic dye, which has many of the same transport characteristics as...

The Water Erosion Prediction Project: Erosion Parameter Estimation
The USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) includes a large field program for collection of experimental data to evaluate soil erodibility. Rainfall simulation techniques are used...

The Water Erosion Prediction Project: Erosion Processes
The erosion process on hillslopes is conceptualized in the USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) as being divided into rill and interrill processes. Rill detachment occurs when...

Input Processor Package for Water System Studies
An input processor package for a water distribution simulation model has been developed and field tested. This preprocessor enables users with little or no computer use experience to directly...

Storms and the Occurrence of a Turbidity Interface/Maxima in a Fresh Water Estuary
A combination of Landsat, field data and modeling analyses reveals a turbidity interface/maxima in the lower reaches of a freshwater tributary or 'estuary.' Mode...

Derivation of a Stability Principle from the Shields Criterion
The widely used specific energy equation, which defines the subcritical and supercritical states of the open channel flow, is a direct result of the integration of the Froude number corresponding...

Modelling Changes in Coastal Morphology
A description is given of a newly-developed coastal sediment transport model. Features of the model are the inclusion of cross-shore transport and non-potential suspended load, the latter...

Mathematical Models for Turbulent Shear Stress in Sediment-Laden Flows
Turbulent shear stress in sediment-laden flows has been examined by several investigators including H.A. Einstein and N. Chien A. Zagustin and J.C. Willis. Three derivations resulted in...

Towards a Distinct Treatment of Incipient Motion for Bed Forms of Low Regime
The principle methods for estimating the incipient particle motion on developed bed forms in the lower regime are compared with each other. Usually only a part of the total wall shear...

The Beginning of Sediment Transport as a Probability-Problem
Sediment transport only takes place when the action of flow (shear stress, velocity) exceeds a critical value. The limit between rest and movement can be given as critical flow velocity,...

Critical Shear Stress of Armour Coat
The problem of the determination of the critical shear stress of the armour coat is important in sediment transport, river degradation and aggradation and flow discharge regulation. The...

Mid-Scale Laboratory Tests on a Two-Dimensional Movable-Bed Sand Model
A two-dimensional physical model was used to simulate wave-induced scour in front of a concrete dike sloped at 1:4. The tests were conducted at the U.S. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment...

Highly Concentrated Sediment Loads of the Yellow River
A set of high concentration data for the Yellow River in China is examined and compared with low concentration data and laboratory experimental results....

Sediment?Hyperconcentration Flow and Its Similarity Laws
The sediment- hyperconcentration flow are studied theoretically and experimentally, and the formulas for the Bingham shear stress, rigidity coefficient, fall velocity and transport capacity...

Flow Modeling in the Toutle River, Washington
In support of flow, suspended load, bed load, and bedform transport measurements, a quasi-three-dimensional river flow model was adapted to a reach extending from 260m upstream to 30m...





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