Standard Reference Evapotranspiration Calculations: REF-ET
REF-ET is a PC software program for computing standard calculations of reference evapotranspiration (Eto) and associated variables. Computations...
A Markov Chain Approach for Analyzing Palmer Drought Index
Drought is conceived as a period of below normal precipitation or moisture deficiency that would affect the social and economic activities of a region. The Palmer Drought Index (PDI) is...
Introduction to Remote Sensing for Irrigation and Drainage
Remote sensing is a rapidly emerging technology that has many potential applications to irrigation, drainage and hydrologic engineering. This paper, the first of four, introduces the reader...
Metrication of Construction?A Message to the American Society of Civil Engineers
The author discusses the reasons for metrication of the U.S. construction industry, describes the Canadian experience in this area, and outlines the necessary steps to alleviate the metrication...
Beyond Push-Button GPS
In 1993, the U.S. Air Force Space Command will complete its deployment of 24 satellites for the Global Positioning System, affording 3-dimensional positions and velocities 24 hours a day...
Cranes, Concrete, Construction...and Computers
Computers are already firmly entrenched in the design process. Now, they're touching all corners of construction. Applications range from traditional project management tasks...
Appropriate Technology for Flood Warnings
Computers can help protect cities and other developed areas by enhancing flood warning systems, but smaller communities may not be able to take advantage of their sophistication. The Corps...
The Evolution of an Environmental Monitor
After more than 40 years of planning, litigation, design and construction, one of the nation's most controversial highway projects is finished. The completion earlier this...
Port of Ningbo Master Plan
The Port of Ningbo, one of China's main seaports, is located about midpoint on China's coastline, some 160 kilometers south of Shanghai, China's largest port. The broad region served by...
Alameda Transportation Corridor
The Alameda Transportation Corridor is a significant new commitment on the part of the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to improve and increase rail and highway access and capacity...
Planning, Design and Integration of a Computerized Terminal Operating System
NYK Line's new terminal at the Port of Los Angeles (photograph below) features innovative design and advanced terminal operating system integration....
Application of Traffic Engineering Concepts to Pleasure Boat Traffic
The Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors initiated a study to investigate the feasibility of adding slips along the main channel in Marina del Rey in response to the surplus...
Securing Strategic National Security Objectives Through Maritime Activities
The President's national security strategy envisions a healthy and growing economy, wise environmental stewardship and a strong military as part of his plan to meet and to fulfill the...
Design Criteria for Ferry Landings
This paper describes an ongoing research project conducted by the University of Washington Department of Civil Engineering to develop design criteria for the Washington State Ferry System....
A Removable Submarine Cover for Drydock No. 2 Modernization
In order to provide balanced overhaul capability and flexibility in the 1990's and beyond, the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery Maine, a major U.S. Navy submarine and overhaul repair...
A Competitive Framework for Evaluating the Economic Benefits of Port Improvements
This paper presents an economic model for analyzing the benefits and optimal timing of port capacity increases. The model is presented through a case study of the Port of Ningbo, along...
Upgrading Today's Terminals for Tomorrow's Needs
This paper describes how a 1940's vintage, timber pile supported wharf is being modernized to serve post-Panamax ships: how the Massachusetts Port Authority (MASSPORT) is rebuilding their...
Honolulu Harbor Ship Traffic Simulation and Animation Study
A computer simulation and animation study was conducted to investigate the operational impacts of projected ship traffic increases and harbor reconfiguration specified in the Honolulu...
An Overview: Wetland Restoration, Protection, and Establishment by Beneficially Using Dredged Material
Dredged material has been used beneficially by mankind for many years; in the past two decades it has purposely been used to restore and protect existing wetlands, and to establish new...
Extended Experience with a Short-Term Hydropower Scheduling Model in New England
The New England Power Exchange (NEPEX) is responsible for the central dispatch of power throughout New England. To assure the maximum benefits of power pooling, the electric facilities...
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