Ground Water Management
This manual is designed to present an outline of groundwater hydrology, the details of planning for groundwater management, and a process of selection and implementation of management...

Geosynthetics Unearthing New Applications
Geosynthetics are now a $700 million industry. Called geomembranes, geotextiles, geogrids and geocomposites, geosynthetics complement or replace geotechnical designs. Five case studies...

Taking the Loss Out of Risk
Since Superfund was authorized in 1981 and 22,000 hazardous waste sites put on notice, funds for remedial action have peaked with $20 billion annual clean-up budgets projected. But to...

Bright Lights Over China
The financing for Guangdong province's newest 700 mw coal fired electric power station came from a syndicate of 46 banks from 11 countries. The steel for the turbine generators...

Construction Guide Liners
Geomembrane liners for waste construction require meticulous construction, monitoring and weather watching. With much concern over the longevity of geosynthetics, many overlook the extreme...

Digestor Do-Over
Digesters at 6 Orange County (Calif.) wastewater treatment plants needed drastic odor control rehabilitation. Repairs included epoxy patching to cracked domes, installation of a geomembrane...

Conversion Experience at the Chief Joseph Dam Project
In August, 1983, Woodward Governor Company was awarded U. S. Army Corps of Engineers contract DACW67-83-C-0076 to convert ten existing Allis-Chalmers and six existing Woodward Governor...

More Kilowatts with Less Investment
The paper discusses partial or complete modernization of hydraulic units and/or governing system as a means to increasing profitability. A combination of general and case history applications...

Performance Study of the Lagoon at Inuvik, N.W.T.
Since 1957, Inuvik's sewage has been discharged into a lagoon situated northwest of the townsite. In 1982 the lagoon was upgraded to a two-stage system. Two primary cells...

Evaluation of Sewage Treatment Requirements in Cold Regions: Case Study?City of Whitehorse
This paper describes a method available for evaluating sewage treatment requirements in cold regions. The City of Whitehorse wastewater management situation has been used as an example...

Frazil Ice Problems in Intakes at Montreal
Intakes located in reaches of the St. Lawrence River that stay open all winter can be subjected to frazil ice formation for nearly three months. The City of Montreal intake is a key example...

Geotechnical investigation: Cominco's Red Dog Mine Facilities
The siting of major facilities associated with development of the Red Dog Mine Complex in Northwestern Alaska on relatively warm permafrost soil and rock presented geotechnical engineers...

Permafrost: A Suitable Landfill Containment Barrier
Ice-rich permafrost is a suitable medium for the containment of wastes. The combination of frigid dry Arctic climate and the impermeability of ice-cemented permanently frozen ground can...

Innovative Solutions to the Challenges of Heavy Civil Projects
Each heavy construction project presents unique conditions and challenges. For large projects, the work scope may justify an extensive engineering analysis and significant investments...

Construction Insurance: An Alternative Unified Risk Insurance
The transfer of risk mechanism (insurance) can be applied to solve problems unique to the construction environment. The proposed program is worthy of support since all segments of the...

Fault Diagnosis of Hazardous Waste Incineration Facilities Using a Fuzzy Expert System
The use of an expert system along with fuzzy fault tree analysis is discussed in connection with fault diagnosis of a hazardous waste incineration facility. This fault tree is a diagrammatic...

An Expert System for Inactive Hazardous Waste Site Characterization
The area of hazardous waste management is a broad and multidisciplinary field requiring expertise in engineering, geology, chemistry and toxicology, and is an ideal area for the application...

A Salt Solution for Nuclear Wastes
The Department of Energy's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in Southeastern New Mexico is the nation's first full-scale facility for disposing of radioactive waste...

Cleaning Up Toxics
Case histories show how several different types of contamination cleanup were handled. In Attleboro, Mass., washwater, used to decontaminate equipment and tools after cyanide was removed...

Fire on the Water
Incineration is a promising hazardous waste disposal technique. However, nobody wants an incinerator constructed near him, so waste handlers are considering burning hazardous wastes at...





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