The Truck Commodity Survey in the New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Area
The Truck Commodity Survey was designed to gather information on the characteristics of truck traffic at toll barriers with minimal disruption to traffic flows. It was developed by the...
Information Needs for Policy, Planning and Design
This resource paper was presented specifically as a focus of discussion for probe group II, Information Needs for Policy, Planning and Design. The paper represents the freight planning...
Load-Permit Truck Operations in New York State
This paper presents the results of a survey of indivisible-load permit vehicle operations in New York State. The survey was conducted in the context of an investigation into the impacts...
Truck Involvement in Fatal Urban Road Accidents in Australia
Trucks are over-represented (relative to vehicle numbers and vehicle-kilometers of travel) in fatal accidents. Those most at risk are occupants of other vehicles and pedestrians. Articulated...
Haunches and Hangers
The $210 million VA Medical Center at Houston features a structural system as innovative for the 1990s as the interstitial space concept was in the 1960s. The medical center, designed...
The design for a hypothetical 142-story building advances te real-world challenge for taller and taller superskyscrapers. To be located on the riverbank in Chicago, it is 1,745 ft tall...
Fired Up at Fort Drum
The U.S. Army's first major privatization contract was signed for design, construction, operation and ownership of the Fort Drum powerplant at the newly constructed base for...
High Tech on Campus
Hannan Hall, the new laboratory building at The Catholic University of America, has a structure entirely made up of precast concrete panels and 24 in. deep double tees. The loadbearing...
Analyzing in 3D
Suggestions for modeling and evaluating three-dimensional (3D) structures are presented. These suggestions are based on the authors' sixteen years of day to day involvement...
Orchestral Maneuvers
Symphony Towers is an H-shaped superstructure that straddles Symphony Hall in downtown San Diego. The $143 million project is a 34-story office building to the south of the hall and a...
Down on the Farm
A `total approach' to sludge handling, from nitrogen management to sub-surface injection lines, helps grow corn in Colorado. Engineers have gone a long way to keep things...
An Education in Tunneling
A senior civil engineer and winner of the 1988 Martin Kapp Foundation Engineering Award describes the evolution of U.S. tunneling technology and practice. Trained as a structural engineer,...
Expressway Centerpiece
The center span of the Napoleon Bonaparte Broward Bridge, better known as the Dame Point Bridge over the St. Johns River at Jacksonville, Fla., is the country's longest cable...
Floating Membrane Supertankers: Are They Feasible?
Optimal shapes of long cylindrical membrane containers are obtained by restricting the circumferential membrane stress to be tensile and constant throughout the tanker. Optimality is achieved...
Some General Remarks on the Structural Behavior and Load-Extension Characteristics of Coated Fabrics with Special Reference to PTFE-Coated Glass-Fiber Fabric
The understanding of fabric behavior, and of coated fabrics in particular, is essential for the design and analysis of fabric structures. Although many research papers have been published...
Cables and Flexible Pipes in Contact with Sea Floor
Flexible offshore systems can be analyzed by a number of different techniques. The techniques described herein fall in the general category of finite element methods. Special cable elements...
An Overview of Structural Reliability Methods
Recent developments in structural reliability theory and better availability of load and strength data suggest that reliability-based design (RBD) methods should be considered as a practical...
Transmission Line Structure Loading
This paper outlines specific procedures for determining loads on transmission line structure systems that can be used in the reliability based design or assessment of components of these...
Improved Techniques for Assessing Structures
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has specially designed and equipped the tower testing station located within their Transmission Line Mechanical Research Center (TLMRC) near...
Assessment of Conductors
This paper deals with the mechanical integrity of conductors after several years in service and discusses current innovative conductor designs which benefit the structural designer working...
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