St. Paul Harbor, St. Paul Island, Alaska
The City of St. Paul requested the Alaska District of the Corps of Engineers to become involved in their harbor project through Section 204e of Public Law 99-662. This arrangement allowed...

Defining the Safe Navigable Depth of the Calcasieu River Ship Channel, Louisiana
Field research conducted in the Calcasieu River Ship Channel in Louisiana is described and some results of correlations between the echo sounder records and density measurements are presented....

A Verified Model for Harbor Entrance Sedimentation
This paper presents the development of a verified sedimentation model which is capable of quantifying the rate of dredged navigation channel sedimentation under local waves and currents....

Calculating Erosion Rates: Using Long-Term Data to Increase Data Confidence
Computer cartographic techniques were used to produce historical shoreline change maps for two study areas: (1) an eight kilometer section of Calvert County, Maryland; and (2) an eight...

Assessing Coastal Bluff Erosion Along the Oregon Coast Using Available Materials
This pilot study was initiated by Oregon's Department of Geology and Mineral Industry (DOGAMI) in an effort to determine erosion rates applicable to the coastal bluffs of Oregon's shoreline....

Wave-Induced Erosion on a Tidal Marsh Shoreline in Corte Madera Bay
One of the primary factors controlling the formation and configuration of a shoreline is the interaction of waves with the shore. A monitoring program was set up at the Corte Madera Ecological...

Tidal Pumping Effects in Coastal Loop Canals
During the last half century the world's coastal zones have been rapidly developed and urbanized, especially in the industrialized world. The coastline of the State of Florida is a typical...

A Cooperative Coastal Data Collection Program in Washington State
The Washington State Department of Ecology and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have initiated a cooperative agreement for the joint management and funding of the Washington Coastal Data...

Data Collection Program for the Design of a Wetlands Restoration Project
In this paper, a data collection program developed for wetland restoration projects in Southern California is described. The program will include itemized parameters in a checklist-type...

An Overview of Louisiana's 1991-92 Christmas Tree-Brush Fence Program
A project to alleviate coastal land loss in Louisiana through the construction of sediment-trap fencing using recycled Christmas trees is described. It has been demonstrated that Christmas...

A Classification of the Coastal Dunes of Louisiana
The aeolian deposits of the barrier coastlines of Louisiana to the west of the active delta of the Mississippi have been studied intensively for almost 20 years. The dunes, dune terraces...

Revitalizing the Florida Coastal Management Program
The Florida Coastal Management Program has received critical evaluations from the Federal Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management citing serious concerns about the effectiveness...

Impacts of Winter Storms on Sediment Transport Within the Terrebonne Bay Marsh Complex
Winter storms provide important controls on erosion and deposition in coastal Louisiana. An unanswered question of the Louisiana land loss problem is how these storms impact sediment flux...

Performance of an Upland Source Nourishment Project Honeymoon Island, Florida
Honeymoon Island is a barrier island located on the central Gulf coast of Florida. The history of the island demonstrates both natural and engineered changes in island shape and orientation...

A Method for Classifying Land Loss by Geomorphology and Process
There is great debate as to the causes of land loss in Louisiana and the restoration/preservation solutions that should be implemented. Much of the controversy can be attributed to a lack...

The Diversification of a Louisiana Coastal Community
Up until about 1984 coastal communities in Louisiana were blessed with a rich and growing economic base primarily centered around oil and gas exploration and production. Complementing...

Bioengineering Methods to Establish Salt Marsh on Dredged Material
Erosion is a substantial problem on many shorelines of the Galveston Bay complex, as well as other bays of the Gulf of Mexico. Erosion can be prevented by structural measures such as riprap...

Berm Placement Planning Study at Breton Island, Louisiana
This paper identifies tools that are being utilized to determine the most environmentally beneficial location for a nearshore berm to be constructed at Breton Island, Louisiana. The computer...

From Planning to Construction in Coastal Louisiana (With a Cast of Thousands)
In light of the 25 square mile loss of coastal wetlands in Louisiana, the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act mandates that a interagency Task Force develop a comprehensive...

Dauphin Island, Alabama Beaches: Real Decisions in the Real World
The beaches are important present-day concerns at Dauphin Island, Alabama. Several steps have recently been taken to address beach management problems. One, a group of local, state, and...





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